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Bottom border on button disappears on hover


For some reason, the bottom border on my button disappears on hover, and I have no idea why. It works perfectly locally, but when I check my site live it disappears.

Here is my code https://codepen.io/ecanada138/pen/ExXRXoW which is the exact code on my repo.

Here is the site https://8thvisionmedia.netlify.app/ where you can see the problem but it does not show up on codepen or locally

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  transform: scale(1.1);

CodePudding user response:

remove transform: scale(1.1); it worked

CodePudding user response:

It worked fine on firefox. But I saw the issue on edge. and solved it by adding padding to .home-col class.

add the following and it should work fine:

.home-col {
  padding: 10px;

CodePudding user response:

I dont know exactly the reason, but changing "scale" value will solve the problem :

transform: scale(1.2); for example
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