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How to remove white space in mobile view in Next.js while using <Image /> tag?


I am creating a website in Next.js. I used<Image /> tag for placing the images in the website. I am getting some white space in the image components only in mobile view but in desktop it was coming fine ,when I checked in network tag I am getting svg xml file like this <img alt aria-hidden="true" src='data:image/svg xml base 64'>. I think this svg xml created the white space in the images? Can anyone help me with this? How can I remove this svg xml file?

This is the html code i used for image :

 <div className={styles.card}>
  <div className={styles.content}>
    <div className={styles.image}>


enter image description here

You can do the following

  1. If you are using a dynamic image, you need to pass a url to the blurDataURL property explicitly. If you are using a static image, you don't need to provide anything.
  2. If you don't need a placeholder, you can omit this prop and let it default to empty.
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