Home > OS >  I want to make an input in the admin panel with which you can increase / decrease prices in several
I want to make an input in the admin panel with which you can increase / decrease prices in several


I want to make an input in the admin panel with which you can increase / decrease prices in several tables in db by %. At the moment, I did it through a filter

        return [
            new TwigSimpleFilter('price_kiev', [$this, 'formatPriceKiev'])
    public function getPriceEditKiev()
        $result =  DB::table('another_pricelist_edit')->select('price_edit_kiev')->where('id', 1)->first();
        return $result->price_edit_kiev;
    public function formatPriceKiev($number)
        $a =  $this->getPriceEditKiev();
        if ($a >= 1) {
            $price = $number   $number / 100 * $a;
            return round($price, -1);
            return $number;


<td class="column-3">
{{ item.price_kiev_1 | price_kiev | number_format(0, '', ' ' ) }}</td>

admin panel with tables: введите сюда описание изображения input where I enter the number for the filter, which I want to remake in order to use it to change the prices in the table by a percentage: введите сюда описание изображения

In short, how can I make an input in the admin panel with which I can update the prices in the tables in database? maybe there are similar guides, I will be grateful

sql something like this:

  table1.price = (price   price)/100 * input;

where -> input: num %

CodePudding user response:

You just need to make one dedicated action and ajax handler in your controller.

  1. action to render HTML
  2. ajax handler to handle the request when you submit the form

Note: Please change all the paths and the name according to your plugin

Add action and ajax handler plugins/hardiksatasiya/so/controllers/Items.php

class Items extends Controller
    // other code ....

    public function updateTable() {
        // we want to show our menu as active
        BackendMenu::setContext('HardikSatasiya.SO', 'main-menu-item-main', 'side-menu-item-update-items');

    public function onUpdateTableAjax() {
        $value = post('update_value');

        if(!$value) {
            Flash::error("please enter value");    

        // write your table with your logic
            'value' => \DB::raw("value * $value") 
             // please sanitize post input and use here we just used it here as demo

        Flash::success("Successfuly updated tabel with value: $value");


Add HTML markup plugins/hardiksatasiya/so/controllers/items/updatetable.htm

  <div class="form-group span-left">
      <label>Update Table</label>
      <input type="text" name="update_value" value="" class="form-control" />

  <div class="form-group span-left">
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default">Update Table</button>

Now you also need to show this action/html in frontend so the user can go there so we set menu item

update plugins/hardiksatasiya/so/plugin.yaml : side-menu-item-update-items <- we are adding this menu item

    name: 'hardiksatasiya.so::lang.plugin.name'
    description: 'hardiksatasiya.so::lang.plugin.description'
    author: hardikSatasiya
    icon: oc-icon-star
    homepage: ''
        label: Items
        url: hardiksatasiya/so/items
        icon: icon-star
                label: Items
                url: hardiksatasiya/so/items
                icon: icon-star
                label: Settings
                url: hardiksatasiya/so/items/updatetable
                icon: icon-sliders

Please check the video for the output result

enter image description here

if any doubt please comment.

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