I'm not able to get all the keys from Gin's Context.Header (Golang's gin-gonic http/rest framework) field, even though Header is defined as a Map "type Header map[string][]string" (Header is from net\http\Header.go, request is from net\hhtp\request.go, Context is from Gin-gonic's package), and surprisingly it's strange that even at the compile/build time, Visual Studio code doesn't let me call/use "MapKeys()" method on this Header which is of map type (Given Golang is statically typed language and it knows its data type at compile time already).
- I need to copy all the HTTP headers into the Logger, so that when I log any message, I can put the corresponding request Headers.
- And also I need to pass all the HTTP Headers from HTTP to gRPC calls for end to end call traceability need.
func (l *Logger) InfoCtx(ctx *gin.Context, md metadata.MD) *zerolog.Event {
headerName := "X-Request-Id" // Read all the headers from the ENV file
// mapping := make(map[string]string)
// mapping[headerName] = ctx.Request.Header[headerName][0]
event := l.Logger.Info()
// ctx.Request.Header ==> Even though this is a "map" type,
// which is known at the compilation time itself,
// it doesn't let me use any map functions.
if ctx != nil && len(ctx.Request.Header[headerName]) > 0 {
event = event.Str(headerName, ctx.Request.Header[headerName][0])
} else if md != nil {
// some other gRPC metadata context handling (not relevant for this question)
return event
Could you please help?
Request object uses Header field
CodePudding user response:
I may be misunderstanding your issue but I'm able to enumerate the map of request headers from Gin's context:
module github.com/OWNER/stackoverflow/69315290
go 1.16
require github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.7.4
And main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
r := gin.Default()
r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
for k, v := range c.Request.Header {
log.Printf("%s: %v", k, v)
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"message": "pong",
curl --header "dog: freddie" localhost:8080/ping
2021/09/25 10:41:05 User-Agent: [curl/7.68.0]
2021/09/25 10:41:05 Accept: [*/*]
2021/09/25 10:41:05 Dog: [freddie]
[GIN] 2021/09/25 - 10:41:05 | 200 | 408.631µs | | GET "/ping"
CodePudding user response:
The other approach that worked for me meanwhile was,
- I created a struct to have "HttpHeadersMap map[string][]string" in it
type CommonContext struct {
HttpHeadersMap map[string][]string
RequestContext context.Context
GrpcMDHeadersMap map[string][]string
- Assigned Gin's "ctx.Request.Header" to "HttpHeadersMap map[string][]string"
func GetCommonCtx(ctx *gin.Context, md metadata.MD) CommonContext {
var commonContext CommonContext
if ctx != nil {
// event = event.Str(headerName, ctx.Request.Header[headerName][0])
commonContext = CommonContext{ // don't return address, use valye type
HttpHeadersMap: ctx.Request.Header,
RequestContext: ctx.Request.Context(),
then inside "gRPC Interceptor (just showing for example use case)", I could use it "HttpHeadersMap" regular way as "headersMapVal.MapKeys()" to iterate over the Map keys.
func clientInterceptor(
ctx context.Context,
method string,
req interface{},
reply interface{},
cc *grpc.ClientConn,
invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker,
opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) error {
start := time.Now()
commonCtx := commonContext.GetCommonCtx(nil, metadata.MD{})
if callOpt, ok := opts[0].(CustomDataCallOption); ok {
headersMapVal := reflect.ValueOf(callOpt).FieldByName("HeadersMap")
newMap := make(map[string]string)
// allKeysMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, key := range headersMapVal.MapKeys() {
// fmt.Printf("headersMapVal.MapKeys(), e %v", e)
// c_key := e.Convert(headersMapValueIndirectStr.Type().Key())
keyValue := headersMapVal.MapIndex(key)