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Not able to get the keys of a Map even though gin's Context struct has Header as Map


I'm not able to get all the keys from Gin's Context.Header (Golang's gin-gonic http/rest framework) field, even though Header is defined as a Map "type Header map[string][]string" (Header is from net\http\Header.go, request is from net\hhtp\request.go, Context is from Gin-gonic's package), and surprisingly it's strange that even at the compile/build time, Visual Studio code doesn't let me call/use "MapKeys()" method on this Header which is of map type (Given Golang is statically typed language and it knows its data type at compile time already).

  1. I need to copy all the HTTP headers into the Logger, so that when I log any message, I can put the corresponding request Headers.
  2. And also I need to pass all the HTTP Headers from HTTP to gRPC calls for end to end call traceability need.
func (l *Logger) InfoCtx(ctx *gin.Context, md metadata.MD) *zerolog.Event {
    headerName := "X-Request-Id" // Read all the headers from the ENV file
    // mapping := make(map[string]string)
    // mapping[headerName] = ctx.Request.Header[headerName][0]
    event := l.Logger.Info()
    // ctx.Request.Header ==> Even though this is a "map" type, 
    // which is known at the compilation time itself, 
    // it doesn't let me use any map functions.

    if ctx != nil && len(ctx.Request.Header[headerName]) > 0 {
        event = event.Str(headerName, ctx.Request.Header[headerName][0])

    } else if md != nil {
        // some other gRPC metadata context handling (not relevant for this question)
    return event

Could you please help?

Header Object

Request object uses Header field

Shows Header is of map type

CodePudding user response:

I may be misunderstanding your issue but I'm able to enumerate the map of request headers from Gin's context:


module github.com/OWNER/stackoverflow/69315290

go 1.16

require github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.7.4

And main.go:

package main

import (


func main() {
    r := gin.Default()
    r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
        for k, v := range c.Request.Header {
            log.Printf("%s: %v", k, v)
        c.JSON(200, gin.H{
            "message": "pong",


curl --header "dog: freddie" localhost:8080/ping




2021/09/25 10:41:05 User-Agent: [curl/7.68.0]
2021/09/25 10:41:05 Accept: [*/*]
2021/09/25 10:41:05 Dog: [freddie]
[GIN] 2021/09/25 - 10:41:05 | 200 |     408.631µs | | GET      "/ping"

CodePudding user response:

The other approach that worked for me meanwhile was,

  1. I created a struct to have "HttpHeadersMap map[string][]string" in it
type CommonContext struct {
    HttpHeadersMap map[string][]string
    RequestContext context.Context

    GrpcMDHeadersMap map[string][]string
  1. Assigned Gin's "ctx.Request.Header" to "HttpHeadersMap map[string][]string"
func GetCommonCtx(ctx *gin.Context, md metadata.MD) CommonContext {
    var commonContext CommonContext
    if ctx != nil {
        // event = event.Str(headerName, ctx.Request.Header[headerName][0])
        commonContext = CommonContext{ // don't return address, use valye type
            HttpHeadersMap: ctx.Request.Header,
            RequestContext: ctx.Request.Context(),

then inside "gRPC Interceptor (just showing for example use case)", I could use it "HttpHeadersMap" regular way as "headersMapVal.MapKeys()" to iterate over the Map keys.

func clientInterceptor(
    ctx context.Context,
    method string,
    req interface{},
    reply interface{},
    cc *grpc.ClientConn,
    invoker grpc.UnaryInvoker,
    opts ...grpc.CallOption,
) error {
    start := time.Now()
    commonCtx := commonContext.GetCommonCtx(nil, metadata.MD{})
    if callOpt, ok := opts[0].(CustomDataCallOption); ok {

        headersMapVal := reflect.ValueOf(callOpt).FieldByName("HeadersMap")
        newMap := make(map[string]string)
        // allKeysMap := make(map[string]string)
        for _, key := range headersMapVal.MapKeys() {
            // fmt.Printf("headersMapVal.MapKeys(), e %v", e)
            // c_key := e.Convert(headersMapValueIndirectStr.Type().Key())
            keyValue := headersMapVal.MapIndex(key)


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