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How to fill default values based on column names without typeerror - Pandas


I have a dataframe like as shown below

obs = pd.DataFrame({'person_id' :[1,2,3],'obs_date':['12/31/2007','11/25/2009',np.nan],

The objective is to fill 3 default values based on column names.

  1. cols ending with id - fillna with 0

  2. cols ending with value - fillna with np.nan (leave it as is)

  3. cols containing date[pandas datetime format] - fillna with 12/31/2000

When I tried the below

col = obs.columns.str
c1 = col.endswith('id')   
c2 = col.contains('value')
c3 = col.endswith('date')
c4 = col.endswith('datetime')
filled_values = np.select([c1,c2,c3,c4], [obs.fillna(0), obs.fillna(np.nan), obs.fillna("1900-01-01"), obs.fillna("1900-01-01 00:00:00")])
obs= pd.DataFrame(filled_values,columns=cols)

But I get an error message like as below

typeerror u10 cannot be converted to an IntegerDtype pandas

Additionally, in one of my functions above, I use a piece of code like below

testdf['hero_id'] = testdf['hero_id'].astype('float').astype('Int64')

Not sure whether the above line is causing the error. I am not sure how to reproduce/debug this error. Can help me avoid this error please

CodePudding user response:

This might not be exactly what you've asked for, but I hope it helps a bit:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

obs = pd.DataFrame({'person_id': [1, 2, 3], 'obs_date': ['12/31/2007', '11/25/2009', np.nan],
                    'hero_id': [2, 4, np.nan], 'date': ['12/31/2017', np.nan, '10/06/2015'],
                    'heroine_id': [1, np.nan, 5], 'datetime': ['12/31/2027', '11/25/2029', np.nan],
                    'bud_source_value': [1250000, 250000, np.nan],
                    'prod__source_value': [10000, 20000, np.nan]})

for column_name in obs.columns:
    if column_name.endswith("id"):
        obs[column_name] = obs[column_name].fillna(0)
    elif "value" in column_name:
        obs[column_name] = obs[column_name].fillna(np.nan)
    elif column_name.endswith("date"):
        obs[column_name] = obs[column_name].fillna("1900-01-01")
    elif column_name.endswith("datetime"):
        obs[column_name] = obs[column_name].fillna("1900-01-01 00:00:00")



   person_id    obs_date  hero_id        date  heroine_id             datetime  bud_source_value  prod__source_value
0          1  12/31/2007      2.0  12/31/2017         1.0           12/31/2027         1250000.0             10000.0
1          2  11/25/2009      4.0  1900-01-01         0.0           11/25/2029          250000.0             20000.0
2          3  1900-01-01      0.0  10/06/2015         5.0  1900-01-01 00:00:00               NaN                 NaN

CodePudding user response:

Idea is create dictionary by columns names with replaced values and pass to DataFrame.fillna:

c1 = dict.fromkeys(obs.filter(regex='id$').columns, 0)
c2 = dict.fromkeys(obs.filter(like='value').columns, np.nan)
c3 = dict.fromkeys(obs.filter(regex='date$').columns, "1900-01-01")
c4 = dict.fromkeys(obs.filter(regex='datetime$').columns, "1900-01-01 00:00:00") 

d = {**c1, **c2, **c3, **c4}
print (d)
{'person_id': 0, 'hero_id': 0, 'heroine_id': 0, 
 'bud_source_value': nan, 'prod__source_value': nan, 
 'obs_date': '1900-01-01',  'date': '1900-01-01', 
 'datetime': '1900-01-01 00:00:00'}

obs = obs.fillna(d)
print (obs)
   person_id    obs_date  hero_id        date  heroine_id  \
0          1  12/31/2007      2.0  12/31/2017         1.0   
1          2  11/25/2009      4.0  1900-01-01         0.0   
2          3  1900-01-01      0.0  10/06/2015         5.0   

              datetime  bud_source_value  prod__source_value  
0           12/31/2027         1250000.0             10000.0  
1           11/25/2029          250000.0             20000.0  
2  1900-01-01 00:00:00               NaN                 NaN  

CodePudding user response:

Filter using column names and the dtypes and fillna accordingly

Coerce dates to datetime


Filter using column names and the dtypes. That will give you different dataframes. Join the dataframes and use them to update the obs dataframe using the combine_first method.

Code below

df= obs.combine_first((obs.filter(regex='[_id]$', axis=1).fillna('0')#filter columns ending with _id and fillna with 0
         (obs.select_dtypes(include=['datetime64[ns]'])).fillna('12/31/2000')) # join output of columns ending with _id with columns of the dtype datetime64

df=df[list(obs.columns)]#rearrange column order to the original df  


 person_id     obs_date         hero_id      date       heroine_id \
0          1  2007-12-31 00:00:00     2.0  2017-12-31 00:00:00        1.0   
1          2  2009-11-25 00:00:00     4.0           12/31/2000          0   
2          3           12/31/2000       0  2015-10-06 00:00:00        5.0   

              datetime  bud_source_value  prod__source_value  
0  2027-12-31 00:00:00         1250000.0             10000.0  
1  2029-11-25 00:00:00          250000.0             20000.0  
2           12/31/2000               NaN                 NaN  
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