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Aggregation $filter is not working after $lookup


I am trying to filter data after the lookup operator. I am not getting the expected behaviour out of my query.

My gateway collection is

{ "_id" : "18001887", "mac_id" : "18001887", group_id: "0" }
{ "_id" : "18001888", "mac_id" : "18001888", group_id: "1" }
{ "_id" : "18001889", "mac_id" : "18001889", group_id: "0" }

My commands collection is

    "_id" : ObjectId("615581dcb9ebca6c37eb39e4"),
    "org_id" : 0,
    "mac_id" : "18001887",
    "config" : {
        "user_info" : [ 
                "user_id" : 1,
                "user_pwd" : "123456",
                "mapped_id" : 1
                "user_id" : 2,
                "user_pwd" : "123123",
                "mapped_id" : 3

    "_id" : ObjectId("615581dcb9ebca6c37eb39e4"),
    "org_id" : 0,
    "mac_id" : "18001889",
    "config" : {
        "slave_id" : 1 

I want to fetch the commands of gateways with group_id = 0 and "config.user_info.mapped_id" = 1. I wrote the below query but it doesn't seem to work

                $match: {
                    group_id: "0"
                $project: {
                    _id: 0,
                    mac_id: 1
                $lookup: {
                    from: "commands",
                    localField: "mac_id",
                    foreignField: "mac_id",
                    as: "childs"
                $project: {
                    mac_id: 1,
                    childs: {
                        $filter: {
                            "input": "$childs",
                            "as": "child",
                            "cond": {"$eq": ["$$child.config.user_info.mapped_id", 1]},

Above query returns gateways with group_id 0 and childs is an empty array.

CodePudding user response:

The field user_info is array and you are checking equal-to condition in $filter operation, You can change your $filter condition as per below,

  • When we access mapped_id from array field $$child.config.user_info.mapped_id, it will return array of ids so we need to use $in condition
  • $ifNull to check if user_info field is not present then it will return blank array
  • $in operator to check is 1 in mapped_id's array
    $project: {
      mac_id: 1,
      childs: {
        $filter: {
          "input": "$childs",
          "as": "child",
          "cond": {
            "$in": [
              { $ifNull: ["$$child.config.user_info.mapped_id", []] }


The second option and this is right way to handle this situation, $lookup using pipeline,

  • let to pass mac_id to pipeline
  • check $expr condition for mac_id
  • match mapped_id condition
  { $match: { group_id: "0" } },
    $lookup: {
      from: "commands",
      let: { mac_id: "$mac_id" },
      pipeline: [
          $match: {
            $expr: { $eq: ["$mac_id", "$$mac_id"] },
            "config.user_info.mapped_id": 1
      as: "childs"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      mac_id: 1,
      childs: 1


If you want to filter user_info array then you can add one more stage after $match stage in $lookup stage,

  $addFields: {
    "config.user_info": {
      $filter: {
        input: "$config.user_info",
        cond: { $eq: ["$$this.mapped_id", 1] }


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