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Serialize objects to a map with the object class as the key?


I'm writing a application using Spring boot and jackson for JSON parsing. I need to handle another service which produces JSON like this:

  "task-id": 5081,
  "task-created-on": {
    "java.util.Date": 1631022026000

Notably, certain fields like the date field here are serialized into a map with a single key-value pair, where the key is a java classname and the value is the actual value of the field.

I've been going through the jackson documentation and haven't found anything about this format. Is there a way to configure jackson to produce and parse fields in this format?

At a minimum, I need to handle dates formatted this way. But I believe the service also uses this format for other objects, where the map key will be the name of some arbitrary java class and the value will be a map of its own. So I'd be interested in a solution that handles more than just dates if possible.

CodePudding user response:

It can be easily done with custom serializer in Jackson by following steps.
First, create objects for serialization as follows:

class MyDateObject {
    private Date date;

    //general getter/setter

class Task {
    private int taskId;

    private MyDateObject taskCreatedOn;

    //general getters/setters

Second, define your custom serializer: (Please note that I used myDateObject.getDate().getClass().getName() to get the class name of date field.)

class DateSerializer extends StdSerializer<MyDateObject> {
    public DateSerializer() {

    protected DateSerializer(Class<MyDateObject> t) {

    public void serialize(MyDateObject myDateObject, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException {
        jsonGenerator.writeNumberField(myDateObject.getDate().getClass().getName(), myDateObject.getDate().getTime());

Finally, register the serializer with ObjectMapper for the MyDateObject class and perform the serialization:

MyDateObject myDateObject = new MyDateObject();
myDateObject.setDate(new Date());

Task task = new Task();

SimpleModule simpleModule = new SimpleModule();
simpleModule.addSerializer(MyDateObject.class, new DateSerializer());

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();


The expected output is:


Please refer to Jackson – Custom Serializer for more information.

CodePudding user response:

I did something like this, maybe it will work for you:

public class TaskRequest {

  private Long taskId;

  Map<String, Long> taskCreatedOn;

public class TestController {

public void test(@RequestBody TaskRequest taskRequest) {
    taskRequest.getTaskCreatedOn().forEach((key, value) -> {
        try {
            Class<?> c = Class.forName(key);
            Constructor<?> cons = c.getConstructor(long.class);
            Object date = cons.newInstance(value);
        } catch (Exception e) {
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