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If word in sentence in a particular column, match with another column?


The text file is like this

Year, Name. Date, rating, username, tweet

2009, John, 02/03/09, positive, @johnnyboy, Bob is my best friend 
2010, Bob, 01/09/10, positive, @Bob, Bob is cool

I want to be able to print all the dates that has a tweet with the word "Bob" in it (keeping in mind that username can be @Bob, which I don't want.

So the output should be


So far, my attempt is :

awk -F',' '{IGNORECASE = 1} {ARGC=1} $6=="Bob" {print $3}' Data.txt

I know the obvious mistake is that == will return only the dates where the tweet is just Bob, but my attempts have all be futile and that is the closest I could get to. Are there any other way to do this using awk?

Thank you

CodePudding user response:

As tweet column may contain comma (,), you cannot use $6 directly :

awk -F',' '{IGNORECASE = 1} {ARGC=1} {col3=$3;$1=$2=$3=$4=$5=""; if (/Bob/) print col3}' Data.txt
  1. col3=$3 saves the third column in the variable col3

  2. $1=$2=$3=$4=$5="" removed the first 5 columns

  3. (/Bob/) compare the rest of columns against regular expression "Bob", because you could have a tweet like Hi, Bob is my best friend

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