I have the the data in a JSON file (just showing the first row)
"cd_created_date": "2021-10-05T21:33:39.480933",
"cd_jurisdiction": "PROBATE",
"cd_last_modified": "2021-10-05T21:35:04.061105",
"cd_last_state_modified_date": "2021-10-05T21:35:04.060968",
"cd_latest_state": "WillWithdrawn",
"cd_reference": 1633469619443286,
"cd_security_classification": "PUBLIC",
"cd_version": 7,
"ce_case_data_id": 3483511,
"ce_case_type_id": "WillLodgement",
"ce_case_type_version": 170,
"ce_created_date": "2021-10-05T21:33:51.189872",
"ce_data": "{\"willDate\": \"1950-01-01\", \"jointWill\": \"Yes\", \"lodgedDate\": \"1970-03-03\", \"codicilDate\": \"1962-02-02\", \"executorTitle\": \"Mr\", \"lodgementType\": \"safeCustody\", \"deceasedGender\": \"male\", \"applicationType\": \"Personal\", \"deceasedAddress\": {\"County\": \"London\", \"Country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"PostCode\": \"SW1A 1AA\", \"PostTown\": \"London\", \"AddressLine1\": \"1\", \"AddressLine2\": \"Buckingham Palace\", \"AddressLine3\": \"The place to be\"}, \"deceasedSurname\": \"E2E_deceased_surname_1633469477956\", \"executorAddress\": {\"County\": \"London\", \"Country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"PostCode\": \"SW1A 1AA\", \"PostTown\": \"London\", \"AddressLine1\": \"1\", \"AddressLine2\": \"Buckingham Palace\", \"AddressLine3\": \"The place to be\"}, \"executorSurname\": \"executor1_surname\", \"numberOfCodicils\": \"3\", \"registryLocation\": \"Liverpool\", \"deceasedForenames\": \"E2E_deceased_forenames_1633469477956\", \"documentsUploaded\": [{\"id\": \"b1181bfb-d0a7-49d8-8301-b06e58eb42c1\", \"value\": {\"Comment\": \"test file to upload\", \"DocumentLink\": {\"document_url\": \"http://dm-store-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal/documents/60cd0a78-648e-4af7-9f83-15a380f1786d\", \"document_filename\": \"test_file_for_document_upload.png\", \"document_binary_url\": \"http://dm-store-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal/documents/60cd0a78-648e-4af7-9f83-15a380f1786d/binary\"}, \"DocumentType\": \"email\"}}], \"executorForenames\": \"executor1_forenames\", \"deceasedDateOfBirth\": \"1930-01-01\", \"deceasedDateOfDeath\": \"2017-01-01\", \"deceasedTypeOfDeath\": \"diedOnOrAbout\", \"deceasedEmailAddress\": \"[email protected]\", \"executorEmailAddress\": \"[email protected]\", \"deceasedAnyOtherNames\": \"Yes\", \"additionalExecutorList\": [{\"id\": \"bd8d7ca2-ed84-424c-a241-40fd99b15596\", \"value\": {\"executorTitle\": \"Dr\", \"executorAddress\": {\"County\": \"London\", \"Country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"PostCode\": \"SW1A 1AA\", \"PostTown\": \"London\", \"AddressLine1\": \"1\", \"AddressLine2\": \"Buckingham Palace\", \"AddressLine3\": \"The place to be\"}, \"executorSurname\": \"executor2_surname\", \"executorForenames\": \"executor2_forenames\", \"executorEmailAddress\": \"[email protected]\"}}], \"deceasedFullAliasNameList\": [{\"id\": \"1970ac9d-532e-48f2-8851-04ae6eec973f\", \"value\": {\"FullAliasName\": \"deceased_alias1_1633469477956\"}}, {\"id\": \"86c842aa-e10f-44d5-8c28-a7ce8a1cb0eb\", \"value\": {\"FullAliasName\": \"deceased_alias2\"}}]}",
"ce_description": "upload_document_event_description_text",
"ce_event_id": "uploadDocument",
"ce_event_name": "Upload document",
"ce_id": 30638630,
"ce_security_classification": "PUBLIC",
"ce_state_id": "WillLodgementCreated",
"ce_state_name": "Will lodgement created",
"ce_summary": "upload_document_event_summary_text",
"ce_user_first_name": "Probate",
"ce_user_id": "349978",
"ce_user_last_name": "Backoffice",
"extraction_date": "2021-10-06"
AS you can see the field ce_data contains an array.
When I read in the JSON in Apache Spark with Databricks I get the following printSchema()
|-- cd_created_date: string (nullable = true)
|-- cd_jurisdiction: string (nullable = true)
|-- cd_last_modified: string (nullable = true)
|-- cd_last_state_modified_date: string (nullable = true)
|-- cd_latest_state: string (nullable = true)
|-- cd_reference: long (nullable = true)
|-- cd_security_classification: string (nullable = true)
|-- cd_version: long (nullable = true)
|-- ce_case_data_id: long (nullable = true)
|-- ce_case_type_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_case_type_version: long (nullable = true)
|-- ce_created_date: string (nullable = true)
**|-- ce_data: string (nullable = true)**
|-- ce_description: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_event_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_event_name: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_id: long (nullable = true)
|-- ce_security_classification: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_state_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_state_name: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_summary: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_user_first_name: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_user_id: string (nullable = true)
|-- ce_user_last_name: string (nullable = true)
|-- extraction_date: string (nullable = true)
As you can see from the above PrintSchema in Databricks the field ce_data does not show up as an array.
However, I would like to query the arrays in the ce_data field. For example I would like to write a query that founds a lodgeDate = 1970-03-03?
My attempt would be something like
test = spark.sql("""select ce_data from testtable where ce_data.lodgeDate = '1970-03-03'""")
The error I'm getting when I enter the above code in Databricks is:
Can't extract value from ce_data#12747: need struct type but got string;
So, I would first need to understand why I'm not seeing the arrays in the printSchema(), however my main question is how to query arrays in JSON using sparkSQL.
I'm also wondering if I need to import some libraries?
CodePudding user response:
It looks as though your field is a json string rather than an array. You can convert it to a struct type with the ‘from_json’ method. Then you can query it with your code above. Note that you will need the schema of the json to use the from_json method. For example
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
# get your json schema
json_string = "{\"willDate\": \"1950-01-01\", \"jointWill\": \"Yes\", \"lodgedDate\": \"1970-03-03\", \"codicilDate\": \"1962-02-02\", \"executorTitle\": \"Mr\", \"lodgementType\": \"safeCustody\", \"deceasedGender\": \"male\", \"applicationType\": \"Personal\", \"deceasedAddress\": {\"County\": \"London\", \"Country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"PostCode\": \"SW1A 1AA\", \"PostTown\": \"London\", \"AddressLine1\": \"1\", \"AddressLine2\": \"Buckingham Palace\", \"AddressLine3\": \"The place to be\"}, \"deceasedSurname\": \"E2E_deceased_surname_1633469477956\", \"executorAddress\": {\"County\": \"London\", \"Country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"PostCode\": \"SW1A 1AA\", \"PostTown\": \"London\", \"AddressLine1\": \"1\", \"AddressLine2\": \"Buckingham Palace\", \"AddressLine3\": \"The place to be\"}, \"executorSurname\": \"executor1_surname\", \"numberOfCodicils\": \"3\", \"registryLocation\": \"Liverpool\", \"deceasedForenames\": \"E2E_deceased_forenames_1633469477956\", \"documentsUploaded\": [{\"id\": \"b1181bfb-d0a7-49d8-8301-b06e58eb42c1\", \"value\": {\"Comment\": \"test file to upload\", \"DocumentLink\": {\"document_url\": \"http://dm-store-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal/documents/60cd0a78-648e-4af7-9f83-15a380f1786d\", \"document_filename\": \"test_file_for_document_upload.png\", \"document_binary_url\": \"http://dm-store-aat.service.core-compute-aat.internal/documents/60cd0a78-648e-4af7-9f83-15a380f1786d/binary\"}, \"DocumentType\": \"email\"}}], \"executorForenames\": \"executor1_forenames\", \"deceasedDateOfBirth\": \"1930-01-01\", \"deceasedDateOfDeath\": \"2017-01-01\", \"deceasedTypeOfDeath\": \"diedOnOrAbout\", \"deceasedEmailAddress\": \"[email protected]\", \"executorEmailAddress\": \"[email protected]\", \"deceasedAnyOtherNames\": \"Yes\", \"additionalExecutorList\": [{\"id\": \"bd8d7ca2-ed84-424c-a241-40fd99b15596\", \"value\": {\"executorTitle\": \"Dr\", \"executorAddress\": {\"County\": \"London\", \"Country\": \"United Kingdom\", \"PostCode\": \"SW1A 1AA\", \"PostTown\": \"London\", \"AddressLine1\": \"1\", \"AddressLine2\": \"Buckingham Palace\", \"AddressLine3\": \"The place to be\"}, \"executorSurname\": \"executor2_surname\", \"executorForenames\": \"executor2_forenames\", \"executorEmailAddress\": \"[email protected]\"}}], \"deceasedFullAliasNameList\": [{\"id\": \"1970ac9d-532e-48f2-8851-04ae6eec973f\", \"value\": {\"FullAliasName\": \"deceased_alias1_1633469477956\"}}, {\"id\": \"86c842aa-e10f-44d5-8c28-a7ce8a1cb0eb\", \"value\": {\"FullAliasName\": \"deceased_alias2\"}}]}"
your_json_schema = f.schema_of_json(json_string)
df = df.withColumn(“ce_data”, f.from_json(df.ce_data,schema=your_json_schema)
df = df.filter(“ce_data.lodgeDate = '1970-03-03'”)
If there are arrays in the struct. You can create a new row per array field with the f.explode method. Then from there you can query them as you would with any column
CodePudding user response:
As you already mentioned, the ce_data
is a string with JSON content, assuming the JSON is valid, you can use get_json_object function to extract JSON's properties like so
select ce_data
from testtable
where get_json_object(ce_data, "$.lodgedDate") = "1970-03-03"
However, if you ask me, I'd say I'm much prefer the Python syntax than SQL syntax. It's much cleaner this way
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
.where(F.get_json_object('ce_data', '$.lodgedDate') == '1970-03-03')