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SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table in dynamic query


I'm iterating through an array of table name strings and passing them to the following function:

FUNCTION table_empty(table_name VARCHAR2)
    row_count NUMBER := 0;
    empty_sql VARCHAR2(255);
    empty_sql := 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM :tab_name';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE empty_sql INTO row_count USING table_name;

    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Row Count: ' || table_name);

    RETURN row_count > 0;
END table_empty;

However, I get this error

Unexpected error: ORA-00903: invalid table name

Does anybody have any idea what causes this?

CodePudding user response:

Bind variables are for variables, not identifiers. The table name (and other identifiers) need to be known when the dynamic statement is parsed; variable values are then applied when it is executed. At the moment when the statement is parsed the table name is interpreted literally as :tab_name, which is an invalid name.

You need to concatenate the name:

    empty_sql := 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' || table_name;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE empty_sql INTO row_count;

You might want to validate the table name first though.

CodePudding user response:

This is the prefered solution (avoiding the concatination of the table_name as string) using the SQL Macro (requires Oracle 19c or higher)

In a SQL Macro you may pass safe a table name as a paramater.

Define (table) SQL Macro

create or replace  function my_count (t DBMS_TF.Table_t)
return  varchar2 SQL_MACRO
return q'[
  select count(*) cnt from t]';

Usage for table TAB

select cnt from my_count(tab);

More information and examples of SQL Macros can be found here and there.

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