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Replace $variable which changes every iteration in while loop


I have two input files: filea and fileb. In filea, I have a string $pc_count$, where in fileb, there are numbers and strings. I have to search numbers in fileb and replace $pc_count$ in filea.

I have tried the code below, but the first value of fileb is repeated ($pc_count$) every time.

open (IN_FILE, "<filea") or die "Please provide an correct file path\n";
open (IN_FILE1, "<fileb") or die "Please provide an correct file path\n";
my $i = 0;
while (<IN_FILE>) {
        if($_ =~ /\$pc_count\$/) {
                my $line = $_;
                while (<IN_FILE1>) {

                        if($_ =~ /([a-z0-9-] )[\s] /) {
                                my $first = $1; 
                                $line =~ s/\$pc_count\$/$first/;
                                #print OUT_FILE("$line");
                                print $line;



        #print OUT_FILE("$_");
close IN_FILE;
close IN_FILE1;


    'h$pc_count$ : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);




    'hfe000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
    'hfe000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
    'hfe000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
    'hfe000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);

CodePudding user response:

[I had to fix a syntax error in your code before I could run it. Please ensure that you give us runnable code.]

The problem is what is stored in $line.

You iterate through your IN_FILE filehandle until your find a line containing $pc_count$. You then copy that line into $line and go into the inner processing loop.

So the first time round your inner loop, $line contains:

'h$pc_count$ : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);

A couple of lines later, you change $line using this code:

$line =~ s/\$pc_count\$/$first/;

So $line now contains:

'hfe000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);

The next time around your loop, you start with $line containing the string that starts with hfe000. So when you try to run your substitution a second time, nothing changes because $line no longer contains $pc_count$.

The easiest fix is probably not to change $line at all, but to directly print the output from the substitution (and to use /r so the original string isn't altered).

if($_ =~ /([a-z0-9-] )[\s] /) {
    my $first = $1;
    print $line =~ s/\$pc_count\$/$first/r;

Which produces:

'hfe0000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
'hfe0001 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
'hfe0002 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
'hfe0003 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);

CodePudding user response:

After your fisrt subsitution, $line is changed, and it no longer has the string $pc_count$. One way to fix this is to keep a copy of the original line in another variable ($line2):

use warnings;
use strict;

open (IN_FILE, "<filea") or die "Please provide an correct file path\n";
open (IN_FILE1, "<fileb") or die "Please provide an correct file path\n";
my $i = 0;

while (<IN_FILE>) {
        if($_ =~ /\$pc_count\$/) {
                my $line = $_;
                while (<IN_FILE1>) {
                        my $line2 = $line;

                        if($_ =~ /([a-z0-9-] )[\s] /) {
                                my $first = $1; 
                                $line2 =~ s/\$pc_count\$/$first/;
                                print $line2;



        #print OUT_FILE("$_");
close IN_FILE;
close IN_FILE1;


'hfe0000 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
'hfe0001 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
'hfe0002 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
'hfe0003 : $display("checkdata string %s ",pc_string);
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