Home > OS >  Can anyone help me with fixing a VBS script on Windows 10 that displays a warning/MsgBox on low batt
Can anyone help me with fixing a VBS script on Windows 10 that displays a warning/MsgBox on low batt


What I'm trying to do is write a script that creates a message box/popup when my computer's battery falls to 20%. I want the message box to appear only once—it shouldn't show up again after I click "OK" unless I charge my computer and let it drain to 20% again.

The problem is that the code I have causes message boxes to appear every few minutes while my battery is below 20%. My code is below:

set oLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
set oServices = oLocator.ConnectServer(".","root\wmi")
set oResults = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from batteryfullchargedcapacity")
for each oResult in oResults
    iFull = oResult.FullChargedCapacity

while (1) 
    set oResults = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from batterystatus")
    for each oResult in oResults
        iRemaining = oResult.RemainingCapacity
        bCharging = oResult.Charging
    iPercent = Round((iRemaining / iFull) * 100)
    if iRemaining and not bCharging and (iPercent < 21) and (iPercent > 10) Then msgbox "Your battery power is low (" & iPercent & "%). If you need to continue using your computer, either plug in your computer, or shut it down and then change the battery.",vbInformation, "Your battery is running low."
    wscript.sleep 30000 ' 5 minutes

I'm very new to VBScript (and programming in general), so I'm not really sure how to fix this.

CodePudding user response:

You need to have a flag for example a variable called iShow. It starts with value 1 (message can popup), after you click OK, iShow will be zero (don't show again). The next time this flag will have value 1 is when the batery is more than 21%, so when it fall again to less 21% the message can popup again but just once. Here is the code:

set oLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
set oServices = oLocator.ConnectServer(".","root\wmi")
set oResults = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from batteryfullchargedcapacity")

for each oResult in oResults
    iFull = oResult.FullChargedCapacity

Dim iShow

while (1) 
    set oResults = oServices.ExecQuery("select * from batterystatus")
    for each oResult in oResults
        iRemaining = oResult.RemainingCapacity
        bCharging = oResult.Charging
    iPercent = Round((iRemaining / iFull) * 100)
    if (iPercent>21) then iShow=1
    if (iShow=1) and not bCharging and (iPercent < 21) Then
         msgbox "Your battery power is low (" & iPercent & "%). If you need to continue using your computer, either plug in your computer, or shut it down and then change the battery.",vbInformation, "Your battery is running low."
    end if
    wscript.sleep 30000 ' 5 minutes
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