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How to copy and find the last 125 row?


I have a task where I need to get the last 125 data from an excel workbook copied to another workbook. And I want the user to select from a file browser the excel file where the data has been stored. The data will always in the the range of C17:C2051, F17:F2051 and goes on...

At last I want to put two formula above these ranges.

There are the formulas:


I wrote some code but right now it's actually doing nothing.

Sub Get_Data_From_File()

Dim FileToOpen As String
Dim File As Workbook

    FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xlsx), *.xlsx")

Dim LastRow As Long
Dim Last8Rows As Range

LastRow = File.Range("D" & File.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

Set Last8Rows = File.Range("C" & LastRow - 7)

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

This should get you started:

Sub Get_Data_From_File()

    Const START_ROW As Long = 17
    Const NUM_ROWS As Long = 125
    Dim FileToOpen As String
    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet
    Dim LastRow As Long, FirstRow As Long
    Dim LastRows As Range
    FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xlsx), *.xlsx", _
                                            Title:="Select file to import from")
    If FileToOpen = False Then Exit Sub 'no file selected
    Set wsDest = ActiveSheet             'pasting here; or specfy some other sheet...
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FileToOpen, ReadOnly:=True)
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets("data")       'or whatever sheet you need
    LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row 'find last row
    If LastRow < START_ROW Then LastRow = START_ROW
    FirstRow = IIf(LastRow - NUM_ROWS >= START_ROW, LastRow - NUM_ROWS, START_ROW) 'find first row
    'copy ranges
    ws.Range("C" & FirstRow & ":C" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "C")
    ws.Range("F" & FirstRow & ":F" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "F")

    'Add the formulas (note you need the US-format when using .Formula
    '   or you can use your local format with .FormulaLocal

    wb.Close False 'no save

End Sub

CodePudding user response:

After all these days it's working finally. I modified some lines in the code and it's doing the job. Thanks again @TimWilliams!

Here's my solution:

Sub Get_Data_From_File()

    Const START_ROW As Long = 17
    Const NUM_ROWS As Long = 124
    Dim FileToOpen As String
    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet
    Dim LastRow As Long, FirstRow As Long
    Dim LastRows As Range
    FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xlsx), *.xlsx", _
                                            Title:="Select file to import from") 'no file selected
    Set wsDest = ActiveSheet             'pasting here; or specfy some other sheet...
    Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FileToOpen, ReadOnly:=True)
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets("SMI_650_Lxy")       'or whatever sheet you need
    LastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row 'find last row
    If LastRow < START_ROW Then LastRow = START_ROW
    FirstRow = IIf(LastRow - NUM_ROWS >= START_ROW, LastRow - NUM_ROWS, START_ROW) 'find first row
    Debug.Print "FirstRow" & vbTab & FirstRow 'test
    Debug.Print "LastRow" & vbTab & LastRow
    Debug.Print "START_ROW" & vbTab & START_ROW
    'copy ranges
    ws.Range("C" & FirstRow & ":C" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "C")
    ws.Range("F" & FirstRow & ":F" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "F")
    ws.Range("M" & FirstRow & ":M" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "M") 'formula
    ws.Range("P" & FirstRow & ":P" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "P")
    ws.Range("S" & FirstRow & ":S" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "S")
    ws.Range("V" & FirstRow & ":V" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "V")
    ws.Range("Y" & FirstRow & ":Y" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "Y")
    ws.Range("AF" & FirstRow & ":AF" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "AF") 'formula
    ws.Range("AM" & FirstRow & ":AM" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "AM") 'formula
    ws.Range("AP" & FirstRow & ":AP" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "AP")
    ws.Range("AS" & FirstRow & ":AS" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "AS")
    ws.Range("AV" & FirstRow & ":AV" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "AV")
    ws.Range("AY" & FirstRow & ":AY" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "AY")
    ws.Range("BB" & FirstRow & ":BB" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "BB")
    ws.Range("BE" & FirstRow & ":BE" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "BE")
    ws.Range("BL" & FirstRow & ":BL" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "BL") 'formula
    ws.Range("BS" & FirstRow & ":BS" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "BS") 'formula
    ws.Range("BV" & FirstRow & ":BV" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "BV")
    ws.Range("BZ" & FirstRow & ":BZ" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "BZ")
    ws.Range("CD" & FirstRow & ":CD" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CD")
    ws.Range("CH" & FirstRow & ":CH" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CH")
    ws.Range("CK" & FirstRow & ":CK" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CK")
    ws.Range("CN" & FirstRow & ":CN" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CN")
    ws.Range("CQ" & FirstRow & ":CQ" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CQ")
    ws.Range("CT" & FirstRow & ":CT" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CT")
    ws.Range("CW" & FirstRow & ":CW" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CW")
    ws.Range("CZ" & FirstRow & ":CZ" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "CZ")
    ws.Range("DC" & FirstRow & ":DC" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "DC")
    ws.Range("DF" & FirstRow & ":DF" & LastRow).Copy wsDest.Cells(START_ROW, "DF")
    'Add the formulas (note you need the US-format when using .Formula
    '   or you can use your local format with .FormulaLocal

    wb.Close False 'no save

End Sub
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