I have vba function to split date/time on my worksheet but when it find 0:00AM it will stop and I don't know how to fix this
Function extractDateTime(strTime As Date) As Variant
Dim arrD, d As String, t As Date
arrD = Split(strTime, " ")
d = arrD(0)
t = CDate(arrD(1) & " " & arrD(2))
extractDateTime = Array(d, t)
End Function
pic when it find date/time at 12:00:00 AM
function not return value arrD(1) and arrD(2)
cell value
pic when function normally working
CodePudding user response:
Always handle date/time as Date, not text, not numbers, no exceptions. So:
Public Function ExtractDateTime(Value As Date) As Variant
Dim d As Date
Dim t As Date
d = DateValue(Value)
t = TimeValue(Value)
ExtractDateTime = Array(d, t)
End Function
CodePudding user response:
Parsing the Date for spaces is not a great way to go about it.
Instead, you can use Format
to just get the pieces you want.
Function extractDateTime(dt As Date) As Variant
Dim d As String, t As String
d = Format(dt, "dd/mm/yyyy")
t = Format(dt, "hh:mm:ss AMPM")
extractDateTime = Array(d, t)
Debug.Print d
Debug.Print t
Debug.Print Format(dt, "mmm dd, yyyy")
Debug.Print Format(dt, "mmmm")
Debug.Print WeekdayName(Weekday(dt))
End Function
Kinda seems like a waste of a function tho when you can just do this:
Result = Array(Format(dt, "dd/mm/yyyy"), Format(dt, "hh:mm:ss AMPM"))