Home > OS >  How do I determine where the error is when I check MAUI compatibility with maui-check?
How do I determine where the error is when I check MAUI compatibility with maui-check?


I use maui-check to check for .NET MAUI compatibility. Even though the console screen says review the errors and correct, I don't see any errors.

user@macbook ~ % maui-check                           
      _   _   _____   _____     __  __      _      _   _   ___                                           
     | \ | | | ____| |_   _|   |  \/  |    / \    | | | | |_ _|                                          
     |  \| | |  _|     | |     | |\/| |   / _ \   | | | |  | |                                           
  _  | |\  | | |___    | |     | |  | |  / ___ \  | |_| |  | |                                           
 (_) |_| \_| |_____|   |_|     |_|  |_| /_/   \_\  \___/  |___|                                          
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