I want to group my dataset by a few variables and then take the sum of the numeric variable. Then divide the individual values by this sum to get a proportion, and mutate this as a column.
For example, say I have a dataset like this:
year disastertype area(km^2) country
2001 earthquake 1907.098 Afghanistan
2001 earthquake 3635.378 Afghanistan
2001 earthquake 5889.177 Afghanistan
2001 extreme temperature 8042.396 Afghanistan
2001 extreme temperature 11263.485 Afghanistan
2001 extreme temperature 11802.311 Afghanistan
I can get the the sum of area relative to disaster type and country using
test_two <- test_one %>%group_by(disastertype, country,`area(km^2)`, year) %>% count %>% aggregate(. ~ disastertype country year,data=., sum)
But when I try to divide area by this sum using:
data_test$`area(km^2)` %>% map_dbl(~ .x/data_test2$`area(km^2)`)
Error: Result 1 must be a single double, not a double vector of length 2
Expected result:
year disastertype area(km^2) country proportion
1 2001 earthquake 1907.098 Afghanistan 0.1668261
10 2001 earthquake 3635.378 Afghanistan 0.3180099
65 2001 earthquake 5889.177 Afghanistan 0.5151642
109 2001 extreme temperature 8042.396 Afghanistan 0.2585299
135 2001 extreme temperature 11263.485 Afghanistan 0.3620746
146 2001 extreme temperature 11802.311 Afghanistan 0.3793956
Reproducible code:
structure(list(year = c(2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001, 2001),
disastertype = c("earthquake", "earthquake", "earthquake",
"extreme temperature ", "extreme temperature ", "extreme temperature "
), `area(km^2)` = c(1907.09808242381, 3635.37825411105, 5889.17746880181,
8042.39623016696, 11263.4848508564, 11802.3111500339), country = c("Afghanistan",
"Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan", "Afghanistan",
"Afghanistan")), row.names = c(1L, 10L, 65L, 109L, 135L,
146L), class = "data.frame")
CodePudding user response:
You shoudn't group by area(km^2)
df %>%
group_by(year, country, disastertype) %>%
mutate(proportion = `area(km^2)` / sum(`area(km^2)`)) %>%