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How to get mocked external dependency of a Vue component?


Setup: vue, jest & vue-test-utils;

I have a Vue single-file-component with an external dependency - a function (included via import in the file). That function gets called once one of the component's props gets truthy like this:

import { dependency } from '/path';
props: {
  myProp: {type: Boolean}
watch: {
  myProp() {
    if (this.myProp) dependency();

The component works well. What doesn't work - is the test I am trying to write. It either fails on no assetions or undefined function name. What is the right way to mock external dependencies in a jest test? My test ("it" part) looks like this:

// tried to replace dependency on component instance like
// const spy = jest.spyOn(myComponent, 'dependency');

// tried to replace stupidly
// const dependency = jest.fn();

it('some description', async () => {

    const wrapper = mount(myComponent, {
      props: {
        myProp: true,
    // tried to pass in data() {} section here with mocked function to call it later as this.dependency
    data() {
      return {
        dependency: jest.fn()
    // tried to pass in global.mocks with dependency defined
    global: {
      mocks: {
        dependency: jest.fn()


    // with any / both of them or w/o
    await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();
    await flushPromises();

    expect(<spy | dependency >).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);

Any advice is appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

Found a workaround. Made external dependency into an instance method like

props: {
  myProp: {type: Boolean}
watch: {
  myProp() {
    if (this.myProp) this.dependency();
methods: {

and then in the test I mocked this method like:


const wrapper = mount(myComponent);

jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'dependency'); // mock the method

await wrapper.setProps({ isOpen: true }); // let DOM be updated

expect(wrapper.vm.dependency).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // assertion
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