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SOLVED: Rails 6, Webpacker, Bootstrap 5, Coffee on Heroku is not working


Problem with coffee script on heroku.

At local machine (Ubuntu Linux) all working perfectly, but after deploying changes to Heroku, coffee script stop working, and I can't understand why.

Tried to "reconfigure" webpacker: And tried to: rails assets:clobber, bin/webpack --verbose --profile, RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

  • no luck.

Tried to precompile locally: rake assets:precompile and then push changes to Heroku: git push heroku master

  • no luck.

Tried to precompile remotely on Heroku: heroku run rake assets:clean assets:precompile

  • no luck.

And there is no any errors about coffee in logs via heroku logs --tail...

  • nothing.

When I insert: alert('Some test'); into my app/javascript/packs/application.js it's worked.

P.S. Rails 6 with Webpacker is some kind of quest... I spend a lot of time to understand and trying to enable usual things which earlier worked fine out from the box in Rails 4 or 5... But now it's seems ok.

UPD1: I inserted alert 'test coffee 1' into first string of my init_coffee.coffee and it's worked now, but if I insert some alert after '$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->' then nothing happens.

alert 'test coffee 1' # worked
$(document).on 'turbolinks:load', ->
  alert 'test coffee 2' # not worked

UPD2: The coffeescript is not a problem, problem with turbolinks init and any scripts inside that...

Here is my config/webpacker.yml How to disable Rocket Loader on Cloudflare

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