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How to mock repository so it doesn't instert or pull data from DB


So my issue is that in my SpringBoot REST application im testing my RestController. The problem is that i don't know how to mock the repository so it doesn't get or puts data into the DB. I'm using Kotlin and Mockk for mocking

Here is my Repository

interface StandingOrderRepository: CrudRepository<StandingOrder, Int> {

    fun findByNameAndVariableSymbol(name: String, variableSymbol: String): List<StandingOrder>

    fun findByValidFromBetween(fromDate: String, toDate: String): List<StandingOrder>

    fun findByValidFromAfter(fromDate: String) : List<StandingOrder>

And here is my Test

    internal class StandingOrderResourceTest {
        lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
        lateinit var objectMapper: ObjectMapper
        private val standingOrderMapper = mockk<StandingOrderMapper>()
        private val standingOrderRepository = mockk<StandingOrderRepository>()
        private val standingOrderServiceImpl = mockk<StandingOrderServiceImpl>()
        private val standingOrderResource = StandingOrderResource(standingOrderServiceImpl)
        val baseUrl = "/api"
        inner class GetStandingOrders {
            fun `should return all StandingOrders`() {
                    .andDo { print() }
                    .andExpect {
                        status { isOk() }
                        content { contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)}
                //standingOrderResource.getStandingOrders() shouldBe listOf(standingOrderDto)

The problem is if i Make a API call or invoke the mocked repository it still gets actual data from DB

CodePudding user response:

In your test code you should try to use method whenever() from org.mockito.kotlin for stubbing StandingOrderRepository's method call. For example your code for stubbing will looks something like this


UPD: So you use Mockk, then you shuold use method every instead whenever from mockito.

CodePudding user response:

So this is how i made it work maybe the issue was on my side how i was trying to use it @Anton Tokmakov was correct here is how i did it

internal class StandingOrderResourceTest @Autowired constructor(
    val mockMvc: MockMvc,
    val objectMapper: ObjectMapper,
) {

    private lateinit var standingOrderResource: StandingOrderResource

    inner class GetStandingOrders {
        fun `should return all StandingOrders`() {
            every { standingOrderResource.getStandingOrders() } returns
                    listOf(standingOrderDto1, standingOrderDto2)
                .andDo { print() }
                .andExpect {
                    status { isOk() }
                    content { contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)}
                .andExpect {
                    jsonPath("\$..[0]", match(MockMvcResultMatchers.content().json(Gson().toJson(
                        )), false)))
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