I am following this guide to deploy python app on Azure. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/ecosystems/python-webapp?view=azure-devops
I was successfully able to clone the repo and authenticated through Github in Azure Portal Shell.
But I got above error when I tried to deploy the app using the following command.
az webapp up -n PythonFlaskAppExampleApp
There were many similar questions, but couldn't relate to any of them. Thank you.
CodePudding user response:
We need to make sure that all the configurations has been done which building python webapp. below are few key points where we need to look into:
- For FlaskApp App service looks for App.py which has below content:
If application.py gunicorn --bind= --timeout 600 application:app If app.py gunicorn --bind= --timeout 600 app:app
- Check for customized build automations in MS Docs
Also below are few predefined configs which needs to be set, check them one by one based on your requirement:
az group create -n <some_name> --location westus
az appservice plan create --name <some_name> -g <some_name> --sku s1 --location westus --is-linux
az webapp create -g <some_name> -n <some_globaly_unique_name> --plan <some_name> --runtime "PYTHON|3.7"
az webapp config appsettings set -g <some_name> -n <some_globaly_unique_name> --settings WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE="1"
az webapp config appsettings set -g <some_name> -n <some_globaly_unique_name> --settings SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT=true
az webapp restart -n <some_globaly_unique_name> -g <some_name>
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/python-docs-hello-world
cd .\python-docs-hello-world\
Compress-Archive -Path * -DestinationPath package.zip
az webapp deployment source config-zip -n <some_globaly_unique_name> -g <some_name> --src .\package.zip
Note: Check for your current versions and replace them accordingly.
CodePudding user response:
For some reason, I had to manually create app-service from Azure Portal UI, as az webapp up -n <your-appservice>
command didn't work. It deployed app successfully after creating it.