Home > OS >  I'm trying to make a slash command handler in discord.js v13
I'm trying to make a slash command handler in discord.js v13


I'm trying to change my command handler to work with slash commands, but I get Invalid Form Body error when try to turn on the bot. I didn't want to have to switch handlers as that's what I use on all my bots, but I can't fix bugs either. I'm using discord js v13

This is my current command handler (index.js):

const pComandos = fs.readdirSync('Comandos');

client.commands = new Discord.Collection();
client.description = new Discord.Collection();

for (const folder of pComandos) {
    const file = fs.readdirSync('Comandos/'   folder);

    for (const comando of file) {

        let cmd = require(`./Comandos/${folder}/${comando}`);
        commandsArray = [];

        console.log(chalk.green(`[ C ] O comando `   chalk.bold(comando)   ` foi carregado!`))

        client.commands.set(cmd.help.name, cmd)
        if (cmd.help.description) {
            cmd.desc = true
            cmd.help.description.forEach(desc => client.commands.set(desc, cmd))

        if (cmd.init) cmd.init(client)

        client.on("ready", async() => {
            const server = await client.guilds.cache.get("892210305558532116")


const discord = require("discord.js");

exports.run = async (client, message, args) => {
  var latency = Date.now() - message.createdTimestamp

  message.reply(`<:emoji_3:892431734203891722> | My ping is: ${client.ws.ping}.\n           
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