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How to get object path in nested array of objects?


Im trying to get the full path of an array of objects by using recursion to loop over the array objects and get their path with relation to the parent, what i couldn't do was the part when the path reset and starts to add the "child" key .

      const data = {
        data: [
            key: 'userInfo',
            group: [
                key: 'street',
                key: 'phone',
            key: 'fullName',
            group: [
                key: 'firstName',
                key: 'lastName',
// userInfo.street
// userInfo.phone
// fullName.firstName
// fullName.lastName
    let groupPath = '';
    data.data.forEach(function iter(a) {
      if (a.group) {
        groupPath = a.key;
      } else {
        groupPath = [groupPath, a.key].join('.');
      Array.isArray(a.group) && a.group.forEach(iter);
      console.log(' group', groupPath);
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The finale result should look like this :





CodePudding user response:

It seems like you can maintain an array of all the groups and just do a couple loops to get this done. The following should do it for you

const data={data:[{key:"userInfo",group:[{key:"street"},{key:"phone"}]},{key:"fullName",group:[{key:"firstName"},{key:"lastName"}]}]};

const groups = [];

data.data.forEach(el => {
  if (el.group) {
    el.group.forEach(group => {

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CodePudding user response:

Updated logic.

Issue with current code

You are over writing groupPath with the child node details inside the else block of your execution.

const data={data:[{key:"userInfo",group:[{key:"street"},{key:"phone"}]},{key:"fullName",group:[{key:"firstName"},{key:"lastName"}]}]};
let groupPath = '';
let rootGroupPath = '';
let groupList = [];
data.data.forEach(function iter(a) {
  if (a.group) {
    rootGroupPath = a.key;
  } else {
    groupPath = [rootGroupPath, a.key].join('.');
  Array.isArray(a.group) && a.group.forEach(iter);
console.log(' group', groupList);
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Simplified approach

Use Array.flatMap


  • Loop through data.data array.
  • Inside each data node in this Array, run a Array.map and return key from outer node and key from group node.

Working Fiddle

const data = { data: [{ key: "userInfo", group: [{ key: "street" }, { key: "phone" }] }, { key: "fullName", group: [{ key: "firstName" }, { key: "lastName" }] }] };
const groupList = data.data.flatMap((data) => data.group.map((group) => `${data.key}.${group.key}`));
console.log(' group', groupList);
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CodePudding user response:

Here is a recursion function that can get the paths with unlimited layer.

const data = {
        data: [
            key: 'userInfo',
            group: [
                key: 'street',
                    key: 'city',
                    group: [
                      {key: 'country'}
                key: 'phone',
            key: 'fullName',
            group: [
                key: 'firstName',
                key: 'lastName',
function getPaths({key,group})
  return Array.isArray(group) ? group.flatMap(it => getPaths(it).map(path => key != null ? `${key}.${path}` : path)) : [key];

const paths = getPaths({key:null,group:data.data});
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CodePudding user response:

You can use a forEach method for this, instead of using a recursion.

Show code snippet

const data = {
  data: [{
      key: 'userInfo',
      group: [{
          key: 'street',
          key: 'phone',
      key: 'fullName',
      group: [{
          key: 'firstName',
          key: 'lastName',

let res = [];
   let key = i.key;
    let str = key   "."   j.key;


// userInfo.street
// userInfo.phone
// fullName.firstName
// fullName.lastName
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If you need to use recursion, you can check this snippet out.

const data = {
  data: [{
      key: 'userInfo',
      group: [{
          key: 'street',
          key: 'phone',
      key: 'fullName',
      group: [{
          key: 'firstName',
          key: 'lastName',

let res = [];
let idx = 0;

function iter(obj) {
  let key = obj.key;
  if (obj.group) obj.group.forEach(i => res.push(key   "."   i.key))
  idx  ;
  //base condition
  if (idx == data.data.length) return;


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CodePudding user response:

Using flatMap and map in one iteration

const getPaths = (arr) =>
  arr.flatMap(({ key, group }) => group.map(({ key: k }) => `${key}.${k}`));

const data = {
  data: [
      key: "userInfo",
      group: [
          key: "street",
          key: "phone",
      key: "fullName",
      group: [
          key: "firstName",
          key: "lastName",

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