Home > OS >  Windows server 2008 R2, after installed WAMP cannot access networks outside... To solve the
Windows server 2008 R2, after installed WAMP cannot access networks outside... To solve the


1, such as topic,
Windows server 2008 R2, after installed WAMP cannot access networks outside,,, to solve the

2, do you want to modify the hosts file server disk C?
Such as: add luohejie.com

3, HTTPD. How to modify the conf?

4, HTTPD - vhosts. How to add modify the conf?

& lt; VirtualHost * : 80 & gt;
ServerName 2020. luohejie.com
ServerAlias luohejie.com
# DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/WWW/2020"
DocumentRoot "E:/wamp64/WWW/2020"
The Options + Indexes, Includes + FollowSymLinks + MultiViews
AllowOverride All
# the Require local
The Require all granted

Trouble help check, if there is any wrong place?

5, system: Windows server 2008 R2 X64
Environment: WAMP 3.3.3
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