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SQL Sever Pivot with multiple aggregate values


I am trying to get following output but SQL only allows me to perform one value at one time.

enter image description here

This is my current SQL code to use pivot and its returning following output.

enter image description here

    create table temp
    PID int,
    category varchar(max),
    score int,
    finalscore int,

insert into temp values (1, 'A', 50,20)
insert into temp values (1, 'B', 30,10)
insert into temp values (1, 'C', 40,20)
insert into temp values (1, 'D', 60,70)
insert into temp values (1, 'E', 55,25)

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);

SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ','   QUOTENAME(c.category) 
            FROM temp c
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

SET @query='select PID,'  @COLS  ' from

select [PID],[Score],category  from temp 
max([Score]) for category in('  @COLS  '))p

exec (@query)

drop table temp

CodePudding user response:

You can do this by unpivoting the data before you pivot it, i.e.

SELECT upvt.PID, upvt.category, upvt.Type, upvt.Value 
FROM temp AS t 
UNPIVOT ([Value] FOR [Type] IN (Score, FinalScore)) AS upvt

Which gives:
PID category Type Value
1 A score 50
1 A finalscore 20
1 B score 30
1 B finalscore 10

Then this extra Type column will from an extra row in your pivot. A full example would be:

IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#temp', 'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #temp;

CREATE TABLE #temp (PID INT, category VARCHAR(MAX), score INT, finalscore INT, );

INSERT INTO #temp (PID, category, score, finalscore)
    (1, 'A', 50, 20),
    (1, 'B', 30, 10),
    (1, 'C', 40, 20),
    (1, 'D', 60, 70),
    (1, 'E', 55, 25);

SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT  ','   QUOTENAME(c.category)FROM #Temp AS C FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '');

SET @query = N'select PID, [Type], '   @cols   N' from
        SELECT upvt.PID, upvt.category, upvt.Type, upvt.Value 
        FROM #temp AS t 
        UNPIVOT ([Value] FOR [Type] IN (Score, FinalScore)) AS upvt
        PIVOT (MAX([Value]) FOR category IN ('   @cols   N'))p

EXECUTE sp_executesql @query;
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