I keep list of hashtags and their appearance in realtime db.
And I want to make a service class with a function to retrieve hashtags as a List in descending order of appearance. So below is the preferred result.
List<String> expHashList = [개발자, 인사담당자, VC, 작가, 경영자];
List<String> topicList = [커리어, 채용, 이직, 리더십, 조직문화];
I tried below but it returns empty list([]
class HashtagService {
static final HashtagService _instance = HashtagService._internal();
factory HashtagService() => _instance;
late final DatabaseReference _database;
HashtagService._internal() {
_database = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference().child('/hashtags');
List<String> getSuggestion(String type) {
if (type == 'exp') {
var query = _database.child('expHash').orderByValue().limitToLast(10);
return FirebaseList(query: query).cast<String>();
} else {
var query = _database.child('topic').orderByValue().limitToLast(10);
return FirebaseList(query: query).cast<String>();
This is second approach but I can't figure out type casting and sort compare function to work correctly. And this version returns Future<List> instead.
Future<List<String>> getSuggestion() async {
return await _database.child('expHash').get().then((snapshot) {
Map<String, int> map = snapshot.value; // type error -> <dynamic, dynamic>
List<String> hashtagList = map.keys.toList();
hashtagList.sort((k1, k2) => map[k1]! > map[k2]! ? 1 : -1); // is this right?
return hashtagList;
What's the best way to get the result of orderByValue(or orderByKey or orderByChild) as a List or List?
List<String?> _resultList = [];
var query = _database.child('topic').orderByValue().limitToLast(10);
query.onChildAdded.listen((Event event) {
return await query.get().then((snapshot) {return _resultList;});
But this returns Future<List<String>>
instead. So I had to use FutureBuilder to process output.
CodePudding user response:
In recent versions of the FlutterFire library for Firebase you should be able to use snapshot.value.values
to get an ordered list of the result snapshots of a query.
If that is not working, the previous approach is either Flutter: Firebase Real-Time database orderByChild has no impact on query result or Flutter Firebase Database wrong timestamp order or