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Fixing this faulty Bingo Sort implementation


While studying Selection Sort, I came across a variation known as Bingo Sort. According to this dictionary entry here, Bingo Sort is:

A variant of selection sort that orders items by first finding the least value, then repeatedly moving all items with that value to their final location and find the least value for the next pass.

Based on the definition above, I came up with the following implementation in Python:

def bingo_sort(array, ascending=True):
    from operator import lt, gt

    def comp(x, y, func):
        return func(x, y)

    i = 0
    while i < len(array):
        min_value = array[i]
        j = i   1

        for k in range(i   1, len(array), 1):
            if comp(array[k], min_value, (lt if ascending else gt)):
                min_value = array[k]
                array[i], array[k] = array[k], array[i]
            elif array[k] == min_value:
                array[j], array[k] = array[k], array[j]
                j  = 1
        i = j

    return array

I know that this implementation is problematic. When I run the algorithm on an extremely small array, I get a correctly sorted array. However, running the algorithm with a larger array results in an array that is mostly sorted with incorrect placements here and there. To replicate the issue in Python, the algorithm can be ran on the following input:

test_data = [[randint(0, 101) for i in range(0, 101)],
             [uniform(0, 101) for i in range(0, 101)],
             ["a", "aa", "aaaaaa", "aa", "aaa"],
             [5, 5.6],
             [3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]
for dataset in test_data:
    print(bingo_sort(dataset, ascending=True, mutation=True))

I cannot for the life of me realize where the fault is at since I've been looking at this algorithm too long and I am not really proficient at these things. I could not find an implementation of Bingo Sort online except an undergraduate graduation project written in 2020. Any help that can point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

I think your main problem is that you're trying to set min_value in your first conditional statement and then to swap based on that same min_value you've just set in your second conditional statement. These processes are supposed to be staggered: the way bingo sort should work is you find the min_value in one iteration, and in the next iteration you swap all instances of that min_value to the front while also finding the next min_value for the following iteration. In this way, min_value should only get changed at the end of every iteration, not during it. When you change the value you're swapping to the front over the course of a given iteration, you can end up unintentionally shuffling things a bit.

I have an implementation of this below if you want to refer to something, with a few notes: since you're allowing a custom comparator, I renamed min_value to swap_value as we're not always grabbing the min, and I modified how the comparator is defined/passed into the function to make the algorithm more flexible. Also, you don't really need three indexes (I think there were even a couple bugs here), so I collapsed i and j into swap_idx, and renamed k to cur_idx. Finally, because of how swapping a given swap_val and finding the next_swap_val is to be staggered, you need to find the initial swap_val up front. I'm using a reduce statement for that, but you could just use another loop over the whole array there; they're equivalent. Here's the code:

from operator import lt, gt
from functools import reduce

def bingo_sort(array, comp=lt):
  if len(array) <= 1:
    return array

  # get the initial swap value as determined by comp
  swap_val = reduce(lambda val, cur: cur if comp(cur, val) else val, array)
  swap_idx = 0 # set the inital swap_idx to 0

  while swap_idx < len(array):
    cur_idx = swap_idx
    next_swap_val = array[cur_idx]
    while cur_idx < len(array):
      if comp(array[cur_idx], next_swap_val): # find next swap value
        next_swap_val = array[cur_idx]
      if array[cur_idx] == swap_val: # swap swap_vals to front of the array
        array[swap_idx], array[cur_idx] = array[cur_idx], array[swap_idx]
        swap_idx  = 1
      cur_idx  = 1

    swap_val = next_swap_val

  return array
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