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How do I make re.finditer only return each line once


I am searching a text file that is a "phoneBook" for an assignment and am using regex finditer, but if a name has the letter a in it twice it prints that line twice which is what I am trying to avoid. Also is there a way to have it ignore case?

def searchPhonebook(s): #This will search the phonebook(s) for the inputed data that is assigned to d
    d=input("Please enter the Name, Character, Phone Number, or a number: ") #Variable d which is the inputted data
    import re
    pattern = re.compile(d)
    for line in open("phone.txt"):
        for match in re.finditer(pattern,line):

So when I search 'a' it returns

Jack Hammer,277-4829
Jack Hammer,277-4829
Mike Rafone,345-3453
Earl Lee Riser,701-304-8293

So I would like it to return each one once, and also find capitalization of 'a', like Abby

CodePudding user response:

Don't use findall(). Just test whether the line matches the pattern:

for line in open("phone.txt"):
    if re.search(pattern, line):

Actually, I'm not sure why you're using re at all. Do your users really enter regular expression patterns? If they're just entering a plain string, use if d in line:

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