My schedule has a section for employee leave.
The structure of its table Vacation is as follows
Which is stored in the sender and Substitute section of a user ID
id | sender | Substitute |
1 | 5 | 6 |
I want to connect to the user table and extract users whose numeric ID is in the table
This is the structure of my user table
id | username | fullname |
5 | jhon | jhon smith |
6 | karen | karen smith |
Now I want to show in the section for the manager the list of all vacations in the vacation table along with the full name of the sender and successor
vacationId | sender Fullname | Substitute Fullname |
1 | jhon smith | karen smith |
How can I do this?
I am using the following query but I have a problem with how to display it
FROM vacation
LEFT OUTER JOIN user ON vacation.sender=user.user_id AND vacation.Substitute=user.user_id
CodePudding user response:
Your query contains columns which could be present with the same name in more than one table you are referencing, hence the not unique error. It's best if you make the references explicit and/or use table aliases
when joining. Additionally you mentioned user_id
that does not exist.
Try this:
SELECT as vacationID,
u1.fullname as sender_Fullname,
u2.fullname as substitute_Fullname
FROM vacation as v
LEFT OUTER JOIN users as u1 ON
LEFT OUTER JOIN users as u2 ON
See Demo in db<>fiddle
CodePudding user response:
SELECT * FROM n_vacation LEFT OUTER JOIN n_user ON n_vacation.sender=user.user_id LEFT OUTER JOIN n_user ON n_vacation.Substitute=user.user_id
The error I receive
QuerySELECT * FROM n_vacation LEFT OUTER JOIN n_user ON n_vacation.sender=user.user_id LEFT OUTER JOIN n_user ON n_vacation.Substitute=user.user_idfailed due toNot unique table/alias: 'n_user'