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Oracle installation directory space is not enough


when loading oracle11g to the following problems:

In The selected Oracle home was on a volume without enough disk space, The problems that corresponds to The mount point/Oracle directory space is insufficient, df -h see

Below is the solution steps:
1, shutdown increasing a virtual hard disk
Select next, create a new virtual disk, into a single file, size to 5 g or 10 g can

2, after the start of the disk partition
Fdisk -l to see the newly added disk
To choose n partition, primary partition, the space can give it all, p view, finally w to save,
3, the partition formatted
Shell> MKFS. Ext3/dev/sdb1
4,/u01/all files in the directory replication
At first as far as possible, not put aside/u01/app and other documents, the database if the database can be moved to the/home/oracle/
Permission to modify the installation package
[root @ localhost oracle] # chmod 777 database/-r
Modify the installation package owner and group
[root @ localhost oracle] # chown oracle: oinstall database/-r
5, the rm/u01/directory of all the objects
Shell> CD/usr
Shell> Rm - rf *
6, mount the new formatted data to a/u01/directory
7, to create/u01/app/
Create a directory
/root @ localhost ~ # mkdir -p/u01/app
Change belongs to the main and subordinate group
/root @ localhost ~ # chown -r oracle: oinstall/u01/app
Modify the directory permissions
/root @ localhost ~ # chmod -r 775/u01/app
View the results of a modified
/root @ localhost ~ # ll/u01/app/- d
DRWXRWXR - x. 2 oracle oinstall 6 Jan 16 19:56/u01/app/
Is due to the use of the root mount, so finally use Oracle users start the Oracle database, you need to give the directory permissions
A new graphical interface problem will be solved when installation
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Copyright statement: this article to CSDN blogger (angelxf520) of the original articles, follow BY CC 4.0 - SA the copyright agreement, reproduced and this statement, please attach the original source link
The original link: https://blog.csdn.net/angelxf520/article/details/81712542
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