I have a Ruby script that outputs an array:
arr = ["filename1", integer1, integer2, "filename2", integer3, integer4, "filename3", integer5, integer6 ...]
What I need is this array to be more readable; I'd like to print only three elements in a single line, so:
"filename1", integer1, integer2,
"filename2", integer3, integer4,
"filename3", integer5, integer6,
I managed to get to the point of having an array of arrays with
arr = [["filename1", integer1, integer2], ["filename2", integer3, integer4], ["filename3", integer5, integer6] ...]
but I still can't make each array of the array be printed in a separate line.
Is there a way of doing this?
The ideal output would look something like this:
filename1: integer1, integer2
filename2: integer3, integer4
filename3: integer5, integer6
but I understand that adding the colon after filename
is another issue, I would probably have to play around with join()
CodePudding user response:
Formatting an array can be done with the [%] method1
arr.each_slice(3){|trio| puts "%s: %d, %d" % trio}
CodePudding user response:
The first step is indeed .each_slice(3)
as you figured out correctly. I'm assuming arr
is already the sliced array.
An easy option would be to just join them together with commas.
arr.each do |elements|
puts elements.join(', ')
If you want the characters used for joining to be different, then you cannot use join, but string interpolation is easy enough.
arr.each do |filename, integer1, integer2|
puts "#{filename}: #{integer1}, #{integer2}"
This will print the string content. If that's what you want, you're done. If you also want to include the quotes around the string, I suggest calling .inspect
on it before display.
arr.each do |elements|
puts elements.map(&:inspect).join(', ')
arr.each do |filename, integer1, integer2|
puts "#{filename.inspect}: #{integer1}, #{integer2}"
CodePudding user response:
Just use the each_slice method of the Enumerator class to split your original array into arrays that consist of five elements each and the join method of the Array class to convert the five element arrays to strings:
arr.each_slice(3) { |x|
puts x.join(', ')