I am using the default and basic implementation of Text Classification as:
tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=vocab_size, filters = filters)
train_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(train_X)
val_X = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(val_X)
train_X = pad_sequences(train_X, maxlen=maxlen)
val_X = pad_sequences(val_X, maxlen=maxlen)
def get_coefs(word,*arr): return word, np.asarray(arr, dtype='float32') # For loading Embedding
embeddings_index = dict(get_coefs(*o.split(" ")) for o in open(EMBEDDING_FILE))
all_embs = np.stack(embeddings_index.values())
emb_mean,emb_std = all_embs.mean(), all_embs.std()
embed_dim = all_embs.shape[1]
word_index = tokenizer.word_index
vocab_size = min(vocab_size, len(word_index))
embedding_matrix = np.random.normal(emb_mean, emb_std, (vocab_size, embed_dim)) # vocab_size was nb_words
for word, i in word_index.items():
if i >= vocab_size: continue
embedding_vector = embeddings_index.get(word)
if embedding_vector is not None: embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
It works fine but is there a way to texts_to_matrix
, where there are options like binart, tfidf, count
etc. Is it possible that I can use them with existing Embeddings?
One possible way could be to use a Multiple Input Model and then Concatenate two inputs at one place. Apart from that, is there any?
CodePudding user response:
The most common approach is to multiply each word vector by its corresponding tf_idf
score. One often sees this approach in academic papers. You could do something like this:
Create tfidf
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import gensim.downloader as api
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import collections
def td_idf_word2weight(text):
print("Creating TfidfVectorizer...")
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(preprocessor=' '.join)
# if a word was never seen - it is considered to be at least as infrequent as any of the known words
max_idf = max(tfidf.idf_)
return collections.defaultdict(
lambda: max_idf,
[(w, tfidf.idf_[i]) for w, i in tfidf.vocabulary_.items()])
text = [['she let the balloon float up into the air with her hopes and dreams'],
['the old rusted farm equipment surrounded the house predicting its demise'],
['he was so preoccupied with whether or not he could that he failed to stop to consider if he should']]
td_idf = td_idf_word2weight(text)
text = np.concatenate(text)
tokenizer = tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer()
text_sequences = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(text)
text_sequences = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences(text_sequences, padding='post')
vocab_size = len(tokenizer.word_index) 1
Creating TfidfVectorizer...
dict_items([('she', 1.6931471805599454), ('let', 1.6931471805599454), ('the', 1.2876820724517808), ('balloon', 1.6931471805599454), ('float', 1.6931471805599454), ('up', 1.6931471805599454), ('into', 1.6931471805599454), ('air', 1.6931471805599454), ('with', 1.2876820724517808), ('her', 1.6931471805599454), ('hopes', 1.6931471805599454), ('and', 1.6931471805599454), ('dreams', 1.6931471805599454), ('old', 1.6931471805599454), ('rusted', 1.6931471805599454), ('farm', 1.6931471805599454), ('equipment', 1.6931471805599454), ('surrounded', 1.6931471805599454), ('house', 1.6931471805599454), ('predicting', 1.6931471805599454), ('its', 1.6931471805599454), ('demise', 1.6931471805599454), ('he', 1.6931471805599454), ('was', 1.6931471805599454), ('so', 1.6931471805599454), ('preoccupied', 1.6931471805599454), ('whether', 1.6931471805599454), ('or', 1.6931471805599454), ('not', 1.6931471805599454), ('could', 1.6931471805599454), ('that', 1.6931471805599454), ('failed', 1.6931471805599454), ('to', 1.6931471805599454), ('stop', 1.6931471805599454), ('consider', 1.6931471805599454), ('if', 1.6931471805599454), ('should', 1.6931471805599454)])
Create tf_idf
-weighted embeddings matrix:
model = api.load("glove-twitter-25")
embedding_dim = 25
weight_matrix = np.zeros((vocab_size, embedding_dim))
for word, i in tokenizer.word_index.items():
embedding_vector = model[word] * td_idf[word]
weight_matrix[i] = embedding_vector
except KeyError:
weight_matrix[i] = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, embedding_dim)
(38, 25)