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About the Server subsystem failed. Reason: weblogic. Security. SecurityInitializationExcep


The was created. Both Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is 2 start the server, these new values are encrypted. & gt; Erties) is not valid. The boot identity may have had changed since The boot identity file was created. Both Please edit and update The boot identity file with The proper values of username and password. The first time The updated boot identity file is 2 start The server, these new values are encrypted. The weblogic. Security. SecurityInitializationException: Authentication denied: The boot identity not valid; The user name and/or password from The boot identity file (boot. The properties) is not valid. The boot identity may have had changed since The boot identity file was created.
Both Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is 2 start the server, these new values are encrypted. The at weblogic.security.service.Com monSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. DoBootAuthorization (CommonSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. Java: 960)
At weblogic.security.service.Com monSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. The initialize (CommonSecurityServiceManagerDelegateImpl. Java: 1054)
The at weblogic. Security. Service. SecurityServiceManager. The initialize (SecurityServiceManager. Java: 888)
The at weblogic. Security. SecurityService. Start (SecurityService. Java: 141)
The at weblogic. T3. SRVR. SubsystemRequest. Run (SubsystemRequest. Java: 64)
Truncated. See the log file for complete stacktrace
Under Caused By: javax.mail. Security. The auth. Login. FailedLoginException: [090303] security: Authentication Failed: User weblogic weblogic. Security. Will. Authentication. LDAPAtnDelegateException: [090295] security: caught unexpected exception
The at weblogic. Security. Will. Authentication. LDAPAtnLoginModuleImpl. Login (LDAPAtnLoginModuleImpl. Java: 251)
At com.bea.com, mon. Security. Internal. Service. LoginModuleWrapper $1. The run (LoginModuleWrapper. Java: 110)
The at Java. Security. The AccessController. DoPrivileged (Native Method)
At com.bea.com, mon. Security. Internal. Service. LoginModuleWrapper. Login (LoginModuleWrapper. Java: 106)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
Truncated. See the log file for complete stacktrace

My weblogic11g cluster architecture:
As A management and A pipe node
B are to build a pipe node

A server can normal boot management and by tube, start by times above pipe node B server error; Online debugging are said to change the password, delete the cache and delete reconstruction could not solve,
Inadvertently found that is behind the firewall problem, due to open A server firewall, could lead to B cannot access A server,
I put A, B I am successful firewall closed,
Service iptables stop

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