The first part of foundation article
Chapter 1 based information system module, a
1.1 system performance information module psutil
1.1.1 system performance information
1.1.2 system process management method
The IP address of the 1.2 practical processing module IPy
1.2.1 the IP address, network segment of the basic processing
1.2.2 network calculation method more explanation
1.3 the DNS processing module dnspython
1.3.1 module DNS method,
1.3.2 common type parsing example
1.3.3 practice: round robin DNS domain name business monitor
Chapter 2 business service monitoring, a
2.1 the file content difference contrast method
2.1.1 example 1: the difference of two strings compare
2.1.2 generate beautiful contrast HTML document
2.1.3 example 2: contrast Nginx configuration file differences
2.2 file and directory difference contrast method
Methods 2.2.1 module description
2.2.2 practice: check the source and the backup directory difference
2.3 send email module smtplib
2.3.1 smtplib module of classes and methods commonly used
2.3.2 customized personalized E-mail format method
2.3.3 custom commonly used E-mail format example explanation
2.4 detection Web services approach to qualityMethods against 2.4.1 module description
Practice: 2.4.2 detection Web service quality
Chapter 3 custom business quality report, rounding
3.1 the Excel operation module of data report
3.1.1 methods module description
3.1.2 practice: custom automation business flow report weekly
The combination of Python 3.2 and rrdtool module
Methods 3.2.1 rrdtool module description
3.2.2 practice: to realize network card flow chart drawing
3.3 generate dynamic routing path chart
Methods 3.3.1 module description
3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12 practice: achieve TCP detection service routing path
Chapter 4 Python and system security
4.1 build centralized mechanism of virus scan
Methods 4.4.1 module description
4.1.2 practices: realize centralized virus scan
4.2 implement efficient port scanner
Methods 2 module description
4.2.2 practice: implement efficient port scanning
The second part, a senior post
Chapter 5 system batch operations manager pexpect explanation
The installation of 5.1 pexpect
5.2 pexpect core components of the
5.2.1 spawn class
5.2.2 run function
5.2.3 requires PXSSH class
5.3 pexpect application example
5.3.1 implement an automated FTP operation
5.3.2 remote file automatic packing and download
Chapter 6 system batch operations manager paramiko explanation
The installation of 6.1 paramiko
6.2 paramiko core components of the
6.2.1 SSHClient class
6.2.2 SFTPClient class
6.3 paramiko application example
6.3.1 to realize the key way to login to the remote host
6.3.2 achieve remote command execution of the fortress machine mode
6.3.3 implementation fortress machine mode of remote file upload
Chapter 7 system batch operations manager Fabric,
7.1 the installation of Fabric
7.2 the commonly used parameters of fab
7.3 fabfile write
7.3.1 global properties set
7.3.2 commonly used API
7.3.3 example 1: check the local and remote host information
Sections 7.3.4 example 2: dynamic access to remote directory list
7.3.5 example 3: the gateway pattern file upload and execute
7.4 the Fabric application example
Packaging 7.4.1 example 1: file, upload and check
7.4.2 example 2: deploy LNMP business service environment
7.4.3 example 3: production code package release management
Chapter 8 from "zero" to develop a lightweight WebServer
8.1 introduce Yorserver
8.1.1 functional features
8.1.2 configuration file
8.2 function realization method
8.2.1 HTTP cache function
HTTP compression 8.2.2
8.2.3 HTTP SSL functionality
8.2.4 directory list feature
8.2.5 dynamic CGI function
Chapter 9 centralized management platform Ansible explanation
9.1 YAML language9.1.1 block sequence description
9.1.2 block mapping description
The installation of 9.2 Ansible
9.2.1 business environment description
9.2.2 install the EPEL
9.2.3 installation Ansible
9.2.4 Ansible configuration and test
9.2.5 configure Linux host SSH password-less access
9.3 define the host and the set of rules
9.3.1 defined host and group
9.3.2 host variables
9.3.3 group variables
9.3.4 separate host and set of specific data
9.4 match the target
9.5 Ansible common module and API
9.6 the playbook
9.6.1 define the host with the user
9.6.2 task list
9.6.3 execution playbook
9.7 the playbook roles and contains statement
9.7.1 include files, to encourage reuse
9.7.2 role
9.8 access to the remote host system information: Facts,
9.9 variable
9.9.1 Jinja2 filters
9.9.2 local Facts,
9.9.3 registry variable
9.10 conditional statement
9.11 cycle
Examples of 9.12
Chapter 10 centralized management platform Saltstack explanation
The installation of 10.1 Saltstack
10.1.1 business environment description
10.1.2 install the EPEL
10.1.3 installation Saltstack
10.1.4 Saltstack firewall configuration
Update 10.1.5 Saltstack configuration and installation check
10.2 use of Saltstack remote command execution
10.3 Saltstack common module and API
10.4 grains component
10.4.1 grains common operations command
10.4.2 define grains data
10.5 pillar component
The definition of 10.5.1 pillar
The use of 10.5.2 pillar
10.6 the state introduced
The definition of 10.6.1 state
The use of 10.6.2 state
Example: 10.7 based on Saltstack realize the configuration of the centralized management
10.7.1 environment description
10.7.2 master client configuration instructions
10.7.3 configuration pillar
10.7.4 configuration state
10.7.5 check result
Chapter 11 unified network controller Func,
11.1 the installation of Func
11.1.1 business environment description
11.1.2 installation Func
11.2 Func common module and API
11.2.1 choose target host
11.2.2 module, a commonly used
11.3 custom Func module
11.4 the Python API interface support
11.5 Func Facts support
Chapter 12 Python big data applications, rounding
12.1 environment description
12.2 the Hadoop deployment
12.3 use Python graphs
12.3.1 with native Python graphs,
12.3.2 written in Mrjob framework graphs,
12.4 practical analysis
12.4.1 example scenario
12.4.2 website traffic statistics
12.4.3 website HTTP status code statistics
12.4.4 site minutes level requests statistics
Statistics 12.4.5 website source IP
12.4.6 website file access statistics
The third part case article
Chapter 13 from scratch to build a B/S automated operations platform
13.1 platform function of
13.2 system architecture design
13.3 database structure design13.3.1 database analysis
13.3.2 data dictionary
13.3.3 database model
13.4 system deployment environment
13.4.1 system environment description
13.4.2 system platform
Link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boGTPN5
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