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Docker - output data to a file - Python


I am starting out with docker and trying to run a python code that generates a csv file as output.

import pandas as pd  
# string values in the list   
lst = ['Java', 'Python', 'C', 'C  ',  
         'JavaScript', 'Swift', 'Go']  
# Calling DataFrame constructor on list  
dframe = pd.DataFrame(lst)  

This is my docker configuration:

FROM python:3.8

ADD main.py .
RUN pip install pandas

CMD ["python", "./main.py"]

This is how I call docker.

docker run  --volume=/Users/myuser/Documents/DashyDash/Docker/out:/out python-test

However I am unable to find the output file. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong and help me fix it.

Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

The location of the main.py writes the csv in the current directory which has no mapping to know which directory to the host. Therefore, you will have to change that so that the same is reflected in the host machine. I assume my work directory within the Dockerfile is /app and I also create a new directory output which is then mapped as a bind mount volume while running the container. I will detail that next.

Dockerfile: Same things with few improvements

FROM python:3.8
WORKDIR /app # This makes sure that a particular work dir is set
COPY main.py ./ # Copying all required files, could also be directories
RUN mkdir -p /app/output # Creating a new directory called output
RUN pip install pandas
CMD ["python3", "main.py"] # Just small improvement

Now, I map the same output to the main.py: dframe.to_csv('/app/output/test.csv')

After this, I build the image:

docker build -t python-test .

Run the image:

docker run -v $HOME/test/output:/app/output python-test

Note: The entire files are on $HOME/test. Also, main.py can map the output directory automatically as well using python's os package.

Then, the output in the output directory is:

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