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How to globally handle errors thrown from WebFilter in Spring WebFlux?


How to intercept and handle errors globally in WebFlux when they are being thrown from WebFilter chain?

It is clear how to handle errors thrown from controllers: @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler help great.

This approach does not work when an exception is thrown from WebFilter components.

In the following configuration GET /first and GET /second responses intentionally induce exceptions thrown. Although @ExceptionHandler methods handleFirst, handleSecond are similar, the handleSecond is never called. I suppose that is because MyWebFilter does not let a ServerWebExchange go to the stage where GlobalErrorHandlers methods could be applied.

Response for GET /first:

 HTTP 500 "hello first"                   // expected
 HTTP 500 "hello first"                   // actual

Response for GET /second:

 HTTP 404 "hello second"                                                         // expected
 HTTP 500 {"path": "/second", "status": 500, "error": "Internal Server Error" }  // actual

class MyController {

    String first(){
        throw new FirstException("hello first");

class MyWebFilter implements WebFilter {

    public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange swe, WebFilterChain wfc) {
        var path = swe.getRequest().getURI().getPath();
        if (path.contains("second")){
            throw new SecondException("hello second")

class GlobalErrorHandlers {

    ResponseEntity<String> handleFirst(FirstException ex) {
        return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).body(ex.message)

    ResponseEntity<String> handleSecond(SecondException ex) {
       return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND).body(ex.message)

CodePudding user response:

Three steps are required to get full control over all exceptions thrown from application endpoints handling code:

  1. Implement org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.error.ErrorWebExceptionHandler
  2. Annotate with @ControllerAdvice (or just @Component)
  3. Set @Priority less than 1 to let the custom handler run before the default one (WebFluxResponseStatusExceptionHandler)

The tricky part is where we get an instance implementing ServerResponse.Context for passing to ServerResponse.writeTo(exchange, context). I did not find the final answer, and comments are welcome. In the internal Spring code they always create a new instance of context for each writeTo invocation, although in all cases (I've manged to find) the context instance is immutable. That is why I ended up using the same ResponseContextInstance for all responses. At the moment no problems detected with this approach.

@Priority(0) /* should go before WebFluxResponseStatusExceptionHandler */
class CustomWebExceptionHandler : ErrorWebExceptionHandler { 

    private val log = logger(CustomWebExceptionHandler::class)

    override fun handle(exchange: ServerWebExchange, ex: Throwable): Mono<Void> {
        log.error("handled ${ex.javaClass.simpleName}", ex)

        val sr = when (ex) {
            is FirstException -> handleFirst(ex) 
            is SecondException -> handleSecond(ex) 
            else -> defaultException(ex)

        return sr.flatMap { it.writeTo(exchange, ResponseContextInstance) }.then()

    private fun handleFirst(ex: FirstException): Mono<ServerResponse> {
        return ServerResponse

    private fun handleSecond(ex: SecondException): Mono<ServerResponse> {
        return ServerResponse.status(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST).bodyValue("second")

    private object ResponseContextInstance : ServerResponse.Context {

        val strategies: HandlerStrategies = HandlerStrategies.withDefaults()

        override fun messageWriters(): List<HttpMessageWriter<*>> {
            return strategies.messageWriters()

        override fun viewResolvers(): List<ViewResolver> {
            return strategies.viewResolvers()
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