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InvalidSelectorException: Message: invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified fi


I'm trying to get the property "href" i.e. "/kkanagas/status/1491996075573587994" from inside the < article > < /article >. I know it's long but I couldn't find another way to shortcut it. Just search for "href" and you'll see "/kkanagas/status/1491996075573587994" - it's what I'm looking for.

<article aria-labelledby="id__fhryquvd10b id__xyp79hh56xk id__ufvrjjfijmj id__t3x5a40wpik id__bar6zadu3v9 id__bskm5hb18ak id__k838i141bg id__sxzis5aczdj id__ymircvocx1 id__ebx7cry08s9 id__qql66qtrpr id__l377gbo5gll id__rz84acqn28" role="article" tabindex="0"  data-testid="tweet">
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                                                          <img alt="" draggable="true" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/3202473125/48583ddb2e2de5d9193020f2cf38694b_bigger.jpeg" >
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                                              <div dir="auto" ><span ><span >Karthik K</span></span></div>
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                                              <div dir="ltr" ><span >@kkanagas</span></div>
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                                  <a href="/kkanagas/status/1491996075573587994" dir="auto" aria-label="1 minute ago" role="link"  id="id__sxzis5aczdj"><time datetime="2022-02-11T04:42:39.000Z">1m</time></a>
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My code to try to find it:

    tweets = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located(
        (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "article[data-testid='tweet']a[href]")))
    links = [link.get_attribute('href')
             for link in tweets]
except TimeoutException:
    print("Couldn't detect any tweets")


selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException: Message: invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified
  (Session info: chrome=98.0.4758.82)
    Ordinal0 [0x00977AC3 2587331]
    Ordinal0 [0x0090ADD1 2141649]
    Ordinal0 [0x00803BB8 1063864]
    Ordinal0 [0x008063D7 1074135]
    Ordinal0 [0x0080629E 1073822]
    Ordinal0 [0x00806510 1074448]
    Ordinal0 [0x0082FF42 1244994]
    Ordinal0 [0x008303CB 1246155]
    Ordinal0 [0x0085A64C 1418828]
    Ordinal0 [0x008486D4 1345236]
    Ordinal0 [0x00858A0A 1411594]
    Ordinal0 [0x008484A6 1344678]
    Ordinal0 [0x008253F6 1201142]
    Ordinal0 [0x008262E6 1204966]
    GetHandleVerifier [0x00B1DF22 1680738]
    GetHandleVerifier [0x00BD0DBC 2413564]
    GetHandleVerifier [0x00A0D151 563089]
    GetHandleVerifier [0x00A0BF13 558419]
    Ordinal0 [0x0091081E 2164766]
    Ordinal0 [0x00915508 2184456]
    Ordinal0 [0x00915650 2184784]
    Ordinal0 [0x0091F5BC 2225596]
    BaseThreadInitThunk [0x753FFA29 25]
    RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x76FE7A9E 286]
    RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath [0x76FE7A6E 238]

What seems to be wrong?

CodePudding user response:

This error message...

selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidSelectorException: Message: invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified

...implies that the locator strategy you have used is not a valid locator strategy.

You nneed to insert a space between article[data-testid='tweet'] and a[href] to make it a valid locator strategy. So effectively your line of code would have been:

    tweets = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located(
    (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "article[data-testid='tweet'] a[href]")))
    links = [link.get_attribute('href')
         for link in tweets]
except TimeoutException:
    print("Couldn't detect any tweets")

However, to extract the value of the href attribute i.e. /kkanagas/status/1491996075573587994 you can use the following locator strategy:

    tweets = wait.until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located(
    (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "article[data-testid='tweet'] a[href*='status']")))
    links = [link.get_attribute('href')
     for link in tweets]
except TimeoutException:
    print("Couldn't detect any tweets")
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