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Select Query of third table


I have these three tables, and each contract can have several units bound to it. What I need is the sum the field "area" of all units that are in the same contract.

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The query should look like this. The last field "Price fraction" is going to be a calculated field, so I don't need it in the SQL query.

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I've tried writing the query, but it always gives the wrong sum.

Unit.description "Unit",
Unit.area "Area",
Contract.price "Contract Value",
(select sum(Unit.area) from Unit, ContractUnit where ContractUnit.unit_id = Unit.id) "area_sum"
JOIN ContractUnit ON ContractUnit.id_unit = Unit.id
JOIN Contract ON Contract.id = ContractUnit.contract_id
where Unit.id = :idUnit

CodePudding user response:

Let's dissect the requirement and break it up into steps.


There are three tables:




Unit and Contract entities have many-to-many relationship and hence there is the need of ContractUnit which is the associative entity (or bridge table).

Step 1: The following columns first needs listed: Unit_id , Area (from table Unit)

Contract_value(dollars) and contract_id (from table contract)

Actually , the final output will not need contract_id but it is still needed in the first step because sum_area is calculated over it. In the final output , we will not display it.

So we get it here:

SELECT u.id    unit,
       u.area  area,
       c.price contract_value,
       c.id    contract_id
FROM   unit u
       INNER JOIN contractunit cu
               ON u.id = cu.unit_id
       INNER JOIN contract c
               ON c.id = cu.contract_id 


 unit | area | contract_value | contract_id
------ ------ ---------------- -------------
    1 |  340 |         400000 |           1
    2 |  540 |         400000 |           1
    3 |  130 |         560000 |           2
    4 |  503 |         560000 |           2
(4 rows)

Step 2 : we get the final value by doing a sum of area over contract_id on the output obtained above.

SELECT unit,
         OVER (
           partition BY contract_id) sum_area
FROM   (<earlier query> ) subq;

that is:

SELECT unit,
         OVER (
           partition BY contract_id) sum_area
FROM   (SELECT u.id    unit,
       u.area  area,
       c.price contract_value,
       c.id    contract_id
FROM   unit u
       INNER JOIN contractunit cu
               ON u.id = cu.unit_id
       INNER JOIN contract c
               ON c.id = cu.contract_id ) subq;


unit | area | contract_value | sum_area
------ ------ ---------------- ----------
    1 |  340 |         400000 |      880
    2 |  540 |         400000 |      880
    3 |  130 |         560000 |      633
    4 |  503 |         560000 |      633
(4 rows)

--- In case your RDBMS type/version do not support window function or even CTE , you can get the same result with this query ---

SELECT b.unit,
FROM   (SELECT contract_id,
               Sum(area) sum_area
        FROM   (SELECT u.id    unit,
                       u.area  area,
                       c.price contract_value,
                       c.id    contract_id
                FROM   unit u
                       INNER JOIN contractunit cu
                               ON u.id = cu.unit_id
                       INNER JOIN contract c
                               ON c.id = cu.contract_id) subq
        GROUP  BY contract_id) a
       INNER JOIN (SELECT u.id    unit,
                          u.area  area,
                          c.price contract_value,
                          c.id    contract_id
                   FROM   unit u
                          INNER JOIN contractunit cu
                                  ON u.id = cu.unit_id
                          INNER JOIN contract c
                                  ON c.id = cu.contract_id) b
               ON a.contract_id = b.contract_id; 
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