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Commonly used UNIX commands common sense


Basic command:

1, the login: login the system user

2, logout/exit: cancellation system user login

3, passwd: modify the password

4, the PWD: display the current directory or the current working directory

Commonly used commands:

A, ls

1, ls: list all files in the current directory and subdirectories, does not contain hidden files

2, the ls - a: list all files in the current directory and subdirectories, including hidden files

3, the ls -l: lists the current directory for detailed information on all files and subdirectories

4, ls -r: list all files in the current directory in recursive way all files and subdirectories

5, ls combination:

[ls - al]

[ls - aR]

[ls - la]

[ls - lR]

[ls - Ra]

[ls - Rl]

[ls - alR]

[ls - aRl]

[ls - Ral]

[ls - Rla]

[ls - laR]

[ls - lRa]

Second, CD

1, CD: enter the specified directory (common)

2, CD. () function returns the current directory

3, CD.. : back to the parent directory

4, CD ~ : return system user home directory (root) (common)

3: the wildcard

* : omit more characters

? : only omit a character

Four: file operations

1, the mkdir DirectoryName: create a directory

2, the rmdir DirectoryName: delete the directory

The PWD:

Show the current full path to the file information

Rm: delete the current directory files (remove files)

1, the rm -i (interactable) FileName: interactive to delete the specified file

2, the rm -f (force) FileName: mandatory delete specified file

3, the rm - r FileName: subdirectories recursively deletes files

Cp: copying files (copy files)

1, cp oldfilename newfilename

Cp old file name the new file name (copied into the same directory, needs a new file name)

2, cp filename/directoryname/

Cp file directory name (full path to the directory) (copy to another directory)

3, cp -i oldfilename newfilename

If the same name, prompt confirmation,

4, cp - r/../olddirName/../newDirName

Copy directory (folder)

Mv: move files (move files)

1, mv oldfilename newfilename

Used to change name, the same directory is equivalent to rename a file,

2, the mv filename directoryname

Move the file to another directory,

3, mv -i filename directoryname

Mobile sometimes remind, if you have a file with the same remind whether replacement,

4, mv dirname directoryname

Mobile path To 1 under the directory path under 2

Five: screen clearing

CIear (the clear screen) :

Sclear CLS (screen updates to the next screen, ensure that vision)

CodePudding user response:

Learning, thanks the original poster

CodePudding user response:

Lz, and support