I want to Hide or Unhide Cells, (not worksheet, I can use Range), using VBA and protect the button so to hide or unhide needs a password to make it work. Can you help?
Thank you!
CodePudding user response:
Call a inputbox and set the password there on buttonclick, if correct run your code.
CodePudding user response:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Rectangle1_Click()
Dim pass As String, pass1 As String, x As String ' Set you variables
x = 1 ' Used as a counter for number of tries
pass1 = "abC!23" ' Set you password!
pass = InputBox("Passcode?", "Attempt " x)' Display and ask for the
'first login attempt
Do While (Not pass = pass1) ' Do while input does NOT match the passcode
x = x 1 ' Add one attempt
If x > 3 Then Exit Sub ' If there are more than 3 attempts then exit
'the code
pass = InputBox("Wrong passcode, try again", "Attempt " x "/3") '
'Reset the pass variabel with another attempt, x keeps tabs on how many
Loop ' Loop -> return to Do While
MsgBox ("Login succeeded") '<----delete this messagebox if you want and
'-----run your code upon correct pass here-----
End Sub