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FRM-40350 Query Caused No Records to be retrieved


I am new in Oracle forms. I have connected my forms to the database. Then created data block choosing data block wizard. I have choosen of my database table ORDERS. I have inserted values in this ORDERS table in sqlplus. After creating ORDERS data block I run my forms through browser, I click on execute query on menu but it's not fetching the data from my database table. It says, FRM-40350 Query Caused No REcords to be retrieved . But in sqlplus I have checked that the row created successfully and column is fill in value and my application forms is connected to my database. Then why my execute query not working? How can I fix this?

CodePudding user response:

If you're connected to the same user in both SQLPlus and Forms (you probably are, otherwise Forms wouldn't see that table and you wouldn't be able to base data block on it), you probably didn't COMMIT after inserting row(s) in SQLPlus.

Code you posted should be fixed (invalid datatype, missing column name, don't insert strings into DATE datatype column):

  2      order_id     NUMBER(20),
  3      customer_id  NUMBER(20),
  4      order_date   DATE, -- NUMBER(20),  --> date, not number
  5      order_status VARCHAR2(20),
  6      order_mode   VARCHAR2 (200),
  7      SALES_REP_ID NUMBER (20) );

Table created.

  2      order_id,
  3      customer_id,
  4      order_date,
  5      order_status,
  6      order_mode,
  7      sales_rep_id
  8  ) VALUES (
  9      0001,
 10      01,
 11      date '2008-02-11',  -- not '11-FEB-2008', it is a STRING
 12      '5',
 13      'direct',
 14      158
 15  );

1 row created.

This is what you're missing:


Commit complete.

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