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SQL query to compare budget to actual expenses


I'm struggling to build a query comparing budget to actual expense items.
The budget table has a single record per month/category on the first day of the month whereas the expense table has many records throughout the days of the month.

My desired result:

YEAR MONTH category budgetAmt sumExpenseAmt
2021 1 daily 100 49
2021 1 monthly 42 87
2021 2 daily 101 36
2021 2 monthly 55 82

What I'm getting:

YEAR MONTH category budgetAmt sumExpenseAmt
2021 1 daily 100 85
2021 1 monthly 42 169
2021 2 daily 101 85
2021 2 monthly 55 169

The amounts in "sumExpenseAmt" are wrong AND they're repeating.
(85 is the sum of all expense-daily items (jan feb): 40 9 32 4)
(169 is the sum of all expense-monthly items (jan feb): 83 4 75 7)


SELECT YEAR( "b"."date" ) AS "Year"
, MONTH( "b"."date" ) AS "Month"
, "b"."category"
, "b"."budgetAmt"
, SUM( "e"."expenseAmt" ) AS "sumExpenseAmt"
FROM "budget" AS "b"
JOIN "expense" AS "e" ON "b"."category" = "e"."category"
GROUP BY YEAR( "b"."date" ), MONTH( "b"."date" ), "b"."category", "b"."budgetAmt"

table: budget

date category budgetAmt
2021-01-01 daily 100
2021-01-01 monthly 42
2021-02-01 daily 101
2021-02-01 monthly 55

table: expense

date category expenseAmt
2021-01-04 daily 40
2021-01-07 daily 9
2021-01-08 monthly 83
2021-01-25 monthly 4
2021-02-01 daily 32
2021-02-05 daily 4
2021-02-15 monthly 75
2021-02-20 monthly 7

I've tried aggregating the expense table with a query and feeding the result into my initial SQL query, but that gives me the same result.

query: qry_summary_expense

date category budgetAmt
2021-01-01 daily 49
2021-01-01 monthly 87
2021-02-01 daily 36
2021-02-01 monthly 82
SELECT YEAR( "b"."date" ) AS "Year"
, MONTH( "b"."date" ) AS "Month"
, "b"."category", "b"."budgetAmt"
, SUM( "e"."expenseAmt" ) AS "sumExpenseAmt" 
FROM "budget" AS "b" 
JOIN "qry_summary_expense" AS "e" ON "b"."category" = "e"."category" 
GROUP BY YEAR( "b"."date" ), MONTH( "b"."date" ), "b"."category", "b"."budgetAmt"

CodePudding user response:

I'd join on both month and category

select year(b.date) as year,
month(b.date) as month,
avg(budgetAmt) as budgetAmt,
sum(expenseAmt) as expenseAmt
from expense e
join budget b
on (month(b.date) = month(e.date)
and b.category = e.category)
group by year(b.date), month(b.date), b.category

CodePudding user response:

You need to join the two tables on category AND month (using eomonth (end of month) does the trick).

SELECT Year(Eomonth(e.date))  AS year,
       Month(Eomonth(e.date)) AS month,
       Avg(budgetamt)         AS budgetAmt,
       Sum(expenseamt)        AS sumExpenseAmt
FROM   expense e
       INNER JOIN budget b
               ON Eomonth(e.date) = Eomonth(b.date)
                  AND e.category = b.category
GROUP  BY e.category,


CodePudding user response:

Alternatively you can use left or right joins based on your need.

select b.Year,b.Month,b.category,Budget, Expenses
    Select year(date) [Year] ,month(date) [Month] ,category,sum(budgetAmt)  Budget
    from budget
    group by year(date),month(date),category
    ) b 
    Select year(date) [Year] ,month(date) [Month] ,category,sum(expenseAmt) Expenses
    from expense
    group by year(date),month(date),category
   ) e
on b.Month = e.Month and b.Year = e.Year and b.category = e.category

Another Approach Using EOMONTH Function:

select Year(a.dates) Year ,month(a.dates) Month,a.category,sum(Budget)     Budget, sum(Expenses) Expenses
     Select EOMONTH(date) dates,category,sum(budgetAmt)  Budget
    from #budget
    group by EOMONTH(date),category
    ) a 
    Select EOMONTH(date) dates,category,sum(expenseAmt) Expenses
    from #expense
    group by EOMONTH(date),category
   ) b
 on a.dates = b.dates and a.category = b.category
 group by Year(a.dates),month(a.dates),a.category
  •  Tags:  
  • sql
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