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SQL Server pattern matching using multiple hits


I am trying to update a table with ALL pattern matches in a string. I have three tables.

1 - 'Stack' Containing my Circumstance -- This is a long string free text field

2 - 'WordMatches' Contains a list of words of interest to me

3 - 'WordExclude' Contains the strings to exclude where a match occurs

I would like to PRINT each matched word into a new column and count the number of matched words. The nature and number of words is of importance to the work I am doing.

For example, Stack

The police were called
Ice froze the door shut and wind blew the roof off

Word Match

WordMatchID Word Match
1 Blew
2 Froze
3 Ice
4 Wind

Word Exclude

WordExcludeID WordMatchID Word Match
1 3 Police

I want an output that looks like

Circumstance WordMatches NoOfMatches
The police were called NULL 0
Ice froze the door shut and wind blew the roof off Blew, Froze, Ice, Wind 4

I feel like this is a simple task but I cannot figure out a way for the LIKE operation to keep searching the string for multiple hits. All I have manage to achieve is flag a row which has at least one hit on the WordMatch table.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Jack

CodePudding user response:

Here is one way to do it, note that the word ice matches in the word Police so I have a count of 1 there.
If you don't want that you could add a space before the values in table WordMatch

declare @Circumstance table (value varchar(100))
declare @WordMatch table (id int, wordmatch varchar(50))

insert into @Circumstance values ('The police where called'), ('Ice froze the door shut and wind blew the roof off')
insert into @WordMatch values (1, 'Blew'), (2, 'Froze'), (3, 'Ice'), (4, 'Wind')

select c.value,
       ( select string_agg(wm.wordmatch, ' ')
         from   @WordMatch wm
         where  CHARINDEX(wm.wordmatch, c.value) > 0
       ) words,
       sum(case when CHARINDEX(wm.wordmatch, c.value) > 0 then 1 else 0 end)
from   @Circumstance c
  cross join @WordMatch wm
group by c.value

the result is

value words count
Ice froze the door shut and wind blew the roof off Blew Froze Ice Wind 4
The police where called Ice 1

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