Unhandled Exception: type '(dynamic) => Store' is not a subtype of type '(String, dynamic) => MapEntry<dynamic, dynamic>' of 'transform'
The Json Data its on Object type How Can we Access the Datum and Return List of Datum Values
The Below Code is Model of Json Data
List<Store> storeFromJson(String str) =>
List<Store>.from(json.decode(str).map((e) => Store.fromJson(e)));
String storeToJson(List<Store> data) =>
json.encode(List<dynamic>.from(data.map((e) => e.toJson())));
class Store {
required this.success,
required this.message,
required this.code,
required this.data,
bool success;
String message;
int code;
List<Datum> data;
factory Store.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Store(
success: json["success"],
message: json["message"],
code: json["code"],
data: List<Datum>.from(json["data"].map((x) => Datum.fromJson(x))),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"success": success,
"message": message,
"code": code,
"data": List<dynamic>.from(data.map((x) => x.toJson())),
class Datum {
required this.store,
required this.storeId,
required this.storeType,
required this.createdAt,
String store;
int storeId;
StoreType? storeType;
int createdAt;
factory Datum.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Datum(
store: json["store"],
storeId: json["store_id"],
storeType: storeTypeValues.map[json["store_type"]],
createdAt: json["created_at"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"store": store,
"store_id": storeId,
"store_type": storeTypeValues.reverse[storeType],
"created_at": createdAt,
CodePudding user response:
I assume that the data you are parsing is giving you a list of Store and every item from the list of store gives you list of Datum. To access data from sub list you can try this.
final result = storeFromJson('data');
List<Datum> storeList = result[0].data;
CodePudding user response:
I have edited your classes and toJson fromJson. Can you try this version of class
List<Store> storeFromJson(String str) =>
(json.decode(str) as List<dynamic>).map((e) => Store.fromJson(e)).toList();
String storeToJson(List<Store> data) =>
json.encode(data.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList());
class Store {
required this.success,
required this.message,
required this.code,
required this.data,
bool success;
String message;
int code;
List<Datum> data;
factory Store.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Store(
success: json["success"],
message: json["message"],
code: json["code"],
data: (json["data"] as List<dynamic>).map((x) => Datum.fromJson(x as Map<String, dynamic>)),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"success": success,
"message": message,
"code": code,
"data": data.map((x) => x.toJson().toList()),
class Datum {
required this.store,
required this.storeId,
required this.storeType,
required this.createdAt,
String store;
int storeId;
StoreType? storeType;
int createdAt;
factory Datum.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => Datum(
store: json["store"],
storeId: json["store_id"],
storeType: storeTypeValues.map[json["store_type"]],
createdAt: json["created_at"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"store": store,
"store_id": storeId,
"store_type": storeTypeValues.reverse[storeType],
"created_at": createdAt,