This place provides three ways, the first kind of HID way is not suitable for yourself to the situation of the development and application, and the third with hooks, tried and have a question,
So think it is the second RegisterPointerInputTarget way is the most practical,
But testing down, every execution RegisterPointerInputTarget failure, always returns ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED,
UiAccess=true had been set up,
Read this post, the post said interception can succeed alone, so he took his intercept touch events code, Forum=windowscompatibility
This information almost turned over all didn't find the right solution, has experienced a great god, seek the solution,
Wc. Style=0;
Wc. LpfnWndProc=TouchThread_WndProc;
Wc. CbClsExtra=0;
Wc. CbWndExtra=0;
The wc. The hInstance=GetModuleHandle (0);
Wc. HIcon=NULL;
Wc. HCursor=NULL;
Wc. HbrBackground=(HBRUSH) GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH);
Wc. LpszMenuName=NULL;
Wc. LpszClassName=L "MarsTouchInputCapture";
RegisterClass (& amp; Wc);
Touch_hwnd=CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, L "MarsTouchInputCapture," L "Magnification", 0, 0, 0, 10000, 10000, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle (0), 0).
//RegisterTouchWindow (touch_hwnd TWF_WANTPALM);
If (RegisterPointerInputTarget (touch_hwnd, PT_TOUCH)==0)
DWORD err=GetLastError ();
Cout & lt;
Void endGlobalTouch ()
UnregisterPointerInputTarget (touch_hwnd PT_TOUCH);
CodePudding user response:
Is windonws 10 to the operating systemCodePudding user response:
With hooks sure is feasible, can reference gestrueSign open source codeCodePudding user response: