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How to test object that pushes values to using Reactive Extensions via `Sample` method


I have a class called ValuePusher with a property named Value and receives a dependency of type ValueReceiver, also with a property named Value. The former class arranges to 'push' values to an instance of the latter class via a System.Reactive.Subjects.Subject<int> object. Initially it pushes values one for one, but later it will restrict the amount of values pushed using the Sample method - note the commented-out call to this method in the code below:

public sealed class ValuePusher : IDisposable
    private readonly ValueReceiver _receiver;
    private readonly IScheduler _scheduler;
    private readonly Subject<int> _subject;

    private int _value;

    public ValuePusher(ValueReceiver receiver, IScheduler scheduler)
        _receiver = receiver;
        _scheduler = scheduler;

        // Arrange to push values to `receiver` dependency
        _subject = new Subject<int>();
                //.Sample(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), _scheduler)
                .Subscribe(i => PushCurrentValueToReceiver());

    public int Value
        get => _value;
            _value = value;

    private void PushCurrentValueToReceiver()
        _receiver.Value = Value;

    public void Dispose()

public class ValueReceiver
    public int Value { get; set; }

I write a unit test for the code above, involving a Microsoft.Reactive.Testing.TestScheduler, which passes:

public void ReceiverReceivesValueFromPusherViaScheduler()
    var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
    var receiver = new ValueReceiver();

    using (var pusher = new ValuePusher(receiver, scheduler))
        pusher.Value = 1;
        Assert.AreEqual(1, receiver.Value);

However, if uncomment the call to Sample method the test fails to complete and times-out. How can I change the test code or the production code to verify that values are pushed to the receiving object when Sample is in use?

Source code: https://github.com/DanStevens/StackOverflow71409012

CodePudding user response:

The reason why it times out, seems to be the combination of .Sample(...) and scheduler.Start().

scheduler.Start() tries execute everything that has been scheduled, but I think Sample() keeps scheduling a sample, and thus scheduler.Start() never finishes.

So if you remove scheduler.Start(), and do this instead:

// Following line instead of scheduler.Start(), needed because of the .SubscribeOn(...) call

pusher.Value = 1;
Assert.AreEqual(1, receiver.Value);

it should work with or without the call to .Sample(...).

[Edit] as per Dan Stevens' comment.

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