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SQL query: SUM(Quantity)


I'm trying to build a simple SQL query for an item availability check. My aim is to query the items whose total/summed quantity exceeds the stock level. This is what my table (simplified example) looks like:

LineNumber Item Quantity StockQuantity
1 Banana 1 1
2 Apple 1 1
3 Strawberry 1 1
4 Banana 1 1

I have tried it with the following query, but it doesn't work:

    T1.[LineNumber], T1.[Item], 
    SUM(T1.[Quantity]), T1.[Stockquantity]
    Table T1
    T1.[Quantity] > T1.[Stockquantity]
    T1.[LineNumber], T1.[Item], T1.[Quantity], T1.[Stockquantity] 

Does anyone have any advice or tips for me on how I should do this query so that the total/summed quantities per line are compared with the stock quantity and not just the individual/single quantities per line with the stock quantity?

Thank you very much for your help in advance.

CodePudding user response:

Your example is possibly oversimplified, If StockQuantity is the result of a lookup into an inventory, so that in the example we can say the following:

Total stock on Hand of Bananas is 1

And then if you are expecting LineNumber 4 to be picked up because this line will make the SUM of Bananas greater than the total stock on hand of Bananas... then you need a Running Total of the Item records in this list:

WITH TotalsLookup as (
    T1.[LineNumber], T1.[Item], 
    T1.[Quantity], T1.[Stockquantity],
    SUM (T1.[Quantity]) OVER (PARTITION BY Item ORDER BY LineNumber) AS RunningTotal
   [Table] T1
FROM TotalsLookup
WHERE RunningTotal > Quantity;
LineNumber Item Quantity Stockquantity RunningTotal
4 Banana 1 1 2

See this Fiddle that covers a few variants of this query and will give you a playground to practice: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!18/12c386/3

The origin of StockQuantity can itself have a significant impact on the performance and other query options that might be viable, I call this out so that you can be mindful of this when you apply this logic into your application domain, if StockQuantity is not a static value, but is itself an aggregate then that may impact how the comparison should be performed.

CodePudding user response:

You can refer to aggregates of a GROUP BY in the having clause

    SUM(T1.[Quantity]) As TotalQuantity,
    MAX(T1.[Stockquantity]) AS StockLevel
    Table T1
    SUM(T1.[Quantity]) > MAX(T1.[Stockquantity])

This assumes that the Stockquantity is the same for all occurrences of a product.

The WHERE clause is executed before grouping, the HAVING clause after grouping.

If you need the line numbers, then you can use the STRING_AGG aggregate function to join the line numbers into a single string per group

SELECT STRING_AGG(T1.[LineNumber], ', ') As LineNumbers, ...

CodePudding user response:

your SQL modified code(SQL code didn't work) that does not provide a single output

SELECT linenumber,
FROM   table A
       JOIN(SELECT item,
                   Sum(quantity) SumQuantity,
                   max(stockquantity) stockquantity
            FROM   table C
            GROUP  BY item) B
         ON A.item = B.item
WHERE  SumQuantity> stockquantity  


linenumber item quantity quantity2 stockquantity
1 Banana 1 2 1
4 Banana 1 2 1

However I use the follwing query

SELECT String_agg(linenumber, ',') LineNumbers,
FROM   table  A
       JOIN(SELECT item,
                   Sum(quantity) SumQuantity
                   max(stockquantity) stockquantity
            FROM   table  C
            GROUP  BY item) B
         ON A.item = B.item
WHERE  SumQuantity> stockquantity
GROUP  BY a.item,

that bring following result

LineNumbers Item Quantity SumQuantity StockQuantity
1,4 Banana 1 2 1

CodePudding user response:

Thank you all for your effort and suggestions for solutions. I have tried to incorporate them all. A few of them worked. With others I still have a few problems:

@Chris Schaller I like you solution a lot! But in my non-simplified, real SQL code, there are item groups that the PARTITION function cannot cope with. My result with your solution is therefore as follows. However, I will continue to work on it. Thanks!

WITH TotalsLookup as (
SELECT T1.[VisOrder] as 'VisOrder', T1.[U_position] as 'ItemGroup-LineNumber', T0.[DocNum] as 'DocNumber', T1.[ItemCode] as 'Itemcode', T1.[Quantity] as 'Quantity', T1.[OpenCreQty] as 'openQuantity', T2.[OnHand] as 'StockQuantity', SUM(T1.[Quantity]) OVER (PARTITION BY T1.[ItemCode] ORDER BY T1.[VisOrder]) AS RunningTotal

INNER JOIN QUT1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry] 
INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.[ItemCode] = T2.[ItemCode] 

WHERE T0.[DocNum] = '332050' AND T2.[InvntItem] = 'Y'

FROM TotalsLookup
WHERE RunningTotal > Quantity

Output: here

@RF1991 I have also tried to implement your solution, but it has not really worked so far. I am still looking for the mistake. Thanks for the help!

SELECT T1.[U_position], T1.[ItemCode], T1.[Quantity], T1.[OpenCreQty], T2.[OnHand] 
INNER JOIN QUT1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry] 
INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.[ItemCode] = T2.[ItemCode] 
JOIN(SELECT T1.[ItemCode], SUM(T1.[Quantity]) as 'SumQuantity', MAX(T2.[OnHand]) as 'Stockquantity' FROM OQUT T0 INNER JOIN QUT1 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocEntry] INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T1.[ItemCode] = T2.[ItemCode]  GROUP BY T1.[ItemCode]) B 
ON T1.[ItemCode] = B.[ItemCode]
WHERE SumQuantity > stockquantity AND T0.[DocNum] = '332050' AND T2.[InvntItem] = 'Y'

@Oliver Jacot-Descombes It works. Thank you very much!

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