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The construction of the Artifactory in Docker tutorial (full version)


Recently in catch up with the docker, because of the need to build artifactory build private servers, the following is a small white I am I in the installation steps
1. Install Centos7 virtual machine, configuration to ensure smooth network
2. Yum configuration, virtual machine itself has the yum, if use IP computer at home, you need to configure the domestic site (recommended search ali mirror station), through the tutorial configuration, yum is equivalent to an app store,
Yum install vim
3. Install the docker
Yum install - y docker (- y said no longer ask)
Check if the installation success
Yum list installed | grep docker
Start the docker
Systemctl start docker
4. Set the ustc mirror (domestic mirror sites, pull up the mirror speed)
Edit the file
Vi/etc/docker/daemon. Json
Input the following content in the file
"Registry - mirrors" : "https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"]
Execution after restart docker
Systemctl restart docker
5. Pull mirror
Docker pull docker. Bintray. IO/jfrog/artifactory - oss: latest
6. Check the mirror
Docker images'
If the mirror exists, execute the next step,
7. Create tutelary container
Docker run -name artifactory - d - p 80:8081 - e - Xms512m - Xmx1g EXTRAJAVAOPTIONS='- Xss256k - XX: + UseG1GC' docker. Bintray. IO/jfrog/artifactory - oss: latest (1 g can be changed, you need to use the free -h command to check the system memory to determine how many; Port 80 can be changed)
8. To check the container
Docker ps
If any container is running, execute the next step,
9. Input IP + port number on the web page, you can see artifactory page (login name: admin, password: the password).
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