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Graph in for loop


Any help would be appreciated.

I'm trying to plot the ROC curve for 80 columns, the code for this is below:

pred <- prediction(df$x, label)
perf <- performance(pred,"tpr","fpr")

Now I would like to each time plot of the columns and put it in


and calculate pred and then perf and then plot it(I have to do it for 80 columns).

Now, This is the code that I wrote and I know its not correct but don't know how to make it work

for (i in 1:ncol(df)){
pred <- prediction(df$x[i], label)
perf <- performance(pred,"tpr","fpr")

This is the first few lines of my data:

  label       x1       x2       x3       x4       x5       x6       x7       x8
1     0 34.96667 41.93333 54.30000 42.93333 24.40000 48.50000 42.73333 33.86667
2     0 79.00000 25.20000 95.43333 75.23333 31.50000 88.96667 83.60000 75.30000
3     0 16.10000 15.80000 17.13333 27.23333 35.10000 18.90000 14.66667 40.00000
4     0 61.90000 23.96667 74.23333 57.23333 45.50000 69.70000 61.80000 58.00000
5     0 31.40000 18.40000 42.16667 41.13333 55.86667 39.90000 32.33333 45.50000
          x9      x10      x11       x12        x13      x14     x15        x16
1  11.366667 22983.00 15302.67 111186.67   781.3333 338140.0 2457099 13078.3333
2  20.200000 22750.33 16278.00 118196.67   156.6333 347375.7 2522140   405.6667
3 -10.100000 23812.33 13035.00  90846.67 -1758.3333 371015.7 2583397 11148.6667
4  17.000000 25006.33 16416.67 114940.00  1925.0000 381342.3 2669452  1410.3333
5   1.066667 25351.00 16225.00 110753.33  -152.3667 406208.3 2772717  8366.6667
         x17       x18      x19      x20     x21      x22       x23       x24      x25
1 -1674.6667 -1521.033 1674.667 353442.7 2568286 298623.7 12185.000 168.33333 63.86667
2 -2851.3333 -2864.333 2851.333 363654.0 2640337 301270.0 -2288.667  59.33333 56.90000
3 -2305.3333 -2188.333 2305.333 384050.7 2674244 313343.0  7085.000 717.00000 67.33333
4 -2154.6667 -2130.000 2154.667 397758.3 2784392 320309.0  1180.967 167.93333 74.90000
5  -480.6667  -432.000 1313.333 422433.3 2883470 341558.0  7733.333 227.66667 72.60000

This is also the output of dput

structure(list(label = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), x1 = c(34.9666666666667, 
79, 16.1, 61.9, 31.4), x2 = c(41.9333333333333, 25.2, 15.8, 23.9666666666667, 
18.4), x3 = c(54.3, 95.4333333333333, 17.1333333333333, 74.2333333333333, 
42.1666666666667), x4 = c(42.9333333333333, 75.2333333333333, 
27.2333333333333, 57.2333333333333, 41.1333333333333), x5 = c(24.4, 
31.5, 35.1, 45.5, 55.8666666666667)), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")

Thanks in advance for any help.

CodePudding user response:

I think you can create an empty list, then simply save each plot inside it.

For the results, create an empty matrix/table, and put the result of each iteration in it. It would be like:

viz_list <- list() #this is your empty list
records <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 1) # it will increase with each iteration
for (i in 1:ncol(df)){
pred <- prediction(df$x[i], label)
perf <- performance(pred,"tpr","fpr")
records[i,1] <- pred
records[i,2] <- perf
    viz_list[[i]] <- plot(perf,colorize=TRUE)}

CodePudding user response:

Here is complete code to plot all ROC curves of a data set df with the same structure of the data set in the question. I first first create a data set because the one in the question only as one class (label is always 0). Then,

  1. Get the current directory, create a temporary directory to save the graphics files;
  2. in the for loop, compute the predictions and their performance;
  3. open a graphics device with png();
  4. plot the performance, saving it to disk and close the device.

There are now as many "Perf_X?.png" files as variables "X?"in the data.frame. Thesepng` file related instructions can be removed but with 80 plots, it's better to saved them and see them one by one later.


# Make up a data set
df <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, ROCR.simple[2:1])
df <- cbind(df, replicate(5, runif(nrow(df))))
names(df) <- c("label", paste0("X", seq.int(ncol(df) - 1)))

old_dir <- getwd()
TempDir <- tempdir()
#> [1] TRUE

for (i in seq_len(ncol(df))[-1]){
  pred <- prediction(df[[i]], df$label)
  perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")
  # save to PNG file, names are "Perf_%s.png" with
  # the format string %s becoming the column name
  filename <- sprintf("Perf_%s.png", names(df)[i])
  png(filename = filename)
  plot_title <- paste("Variable:", names(df)[i])
  plot(perf, main = plot_title, colorize = TRUE)

plots_vec <- list.files(path = TempDir, pattern = "Perf_.*\\.png")
#> [1] "Perf_X1.png" "Perf_X2.png" "Perf_X3.png" "Perf_X4.png" "Perf_X5.png"
#> [6] "Perf_X6.png"

Created on 2022-03-19 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Final clean up

unlink(file.path(TempDir, plots_vec))
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