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Python Classes - Using Instances AS Attributes


I'm currently learning/working with classes in Python 3.10.2 as of writing this. What I am trying to achieve is to create a class instance which is an attribute within another class.

Here is some code I've been working on to help demonstrate my point.

class Vehicle():
    """To model a basic vehicle"""
    def __init__(self, name, max_speed, millage):
        """Initiate class variables"""
        self.name = name
        self.max_speed = max_speed
        self.millage = millage
        self.tyre = Tyre()

    def vehicle_details(self):
        """display vehicle details"""
        return f"\nName: {self.name.title()}, Max speed: {self.max_speed}MPH, Millage: {self.millage} "

class Tyre():
    """A class specific for vehicle tyres"""
    def __init__(self, size=16, pressure=36):
        self.size = size
        self.pressure = pressure

    def tyre_details(self):
        """Print tyre details."""
        print(f'Tyre size: {self.size} inches.')
        print(f"Tyre pressure {self.pressure} PSI.")

In the Vehicle class, I add Tyre() as an attribute.

Now this code DOES work and I can call the Tyre methods through my Vehicle instances, but only when I allocate pre-determined values to size and pressure within the Tyre class.

Is there either:

  1. A way I can achieve this without having to allocate the pre-determined values within the Tyre class?

    This is the Traceback I receive if I do not allocate the pre-determined values:

    TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'size' and 'pressure'
  2. An easy way for me to overwrite the pre-determined values when calling this class and its methods if I am unable to remove the pre-determined values?

CodePudding user response:

  1. A way I can achieve this without having to allocate the pre-determined values within the Tyre class?

A possible solution might be to pass the arguments for Tyre when initializing the Vehicle:

class Vehicle:

    def __init__(self, name, max_speed, millage, tyre_size=16, tyre_pressure=36):
        """Initiate class variables"""
        self.name = name
        self.max_speed = max_speed
        self.millage = millage
        self.tyre = Tyre(size=tyre_size, pressure=tyre_pressure)
  1. An easy way for me to overwrite the pre-determined values when calling this class and its methods if I am unable to remove the pre-determined values?

You can simply not use any pre-determined values, requiring them to being explicitly provided:

class Tyre:

    def __init__(self, size, pressure):
        # ...

If no value is passed an exception will be raised. You should rely on the pre-determined values only if you really want to. Instead of always relying on a specific set of pre-determined values.

In general,I would suggest only using pre-determined values when you rarely need a different value from the default. For example, if you have a User class probably you'll always use a different username. There's no obvious default value. In the other hand, when you have a Vehicle class, in most of the cases it will have 4 doors, but sometimes might be different (maybe 5), so you can 4 as default and change it when you need.

CodePudding user response:

There are almost infinite ways to "solve" this, but I'll present a few.

None are "right", all involve tradeoffs and over time you'll learn which make sense where.

Passthrough arguments

class Vehicle():
    """To model a basic vehicle"""
    def __init__(self, name, max_speed, millage, tyre_size, tyre_pressure):
        """Initiate class variables"""
        self.name = name
        self.max_speed = max_speed
        self.millage = millage
        self.tyre = Tyre(tyre_size, tyre_pressure)

    def vehicle_details(self):
        """display vehicle details"""
        return f"\nName: {self.name.title()}, Max speed: {self.max_speed}MPH, Millage: {self.millage} "

class Tyre():
    """A class specific for vehicle tyres"""
    def __init__(self, size, pressure):
        self.size = size
        self.pressure = pressure

    def tyre_details(self):
        """Print tyre details."""
        print(f'Tyre size: {self.size} inches.')
        print(f"Tyre pressure {self.pressure} PSI.")

v1 = Vehicle("VehicleName", 120, 50_000, 16, 36)
# Or, with named arguments
v2 = Vehicle(
    name = "VehicleName", 
    max_speed = 120, 
    millage = 50_000, 
    tyre_size = 16, 
    typre_pressure = 36

Here, you're just passing the Tyre constructor's arguments through from the Vehicle constructor to your construction of Tyre. If every time you construct a Vehicle you'll know the Tyre specifications, this is fine. If not, you'll likely want an alternative.

Construct Vehicle with Tyre instance as argument

class Vehicle():
    """To model a basic vehicle"""
    def __init__(self, name, max_speed, millage, tyre):
        """Initiate class variables"""
        self.name = name
        self.max_speed = max_speed
        self.millage = millage
        self.tyre = tyre

    def vehicle_details(self):
        """display vehicle details"""
        return f"\nName: {self.name.title()}, Max speed: {self.max_speed}MPH, Millage: {self.millage} "

class Tyre():
    """A class specific for vehicle tyres"""
    def __init__(self, size, pressure):
        self.size = size
        self.pressure = pressure

    def tyre_details(self):
        """Print tyre details."""
        print(f'Tyre size: {self.size} inches.')
        print(f"Tyre pressure {self.pressure} PSI.")

v = Vehicle(
    name = "VehicleName", 
    max_speed = 120, 
    millage = 50_000, 
    tyre = Tyre(16, 36)

Similar to the previous option, but in the previous option each Vehicle had their own Tyre instance. Here you can "share" Tyre objects. Probably not a huge deal in this case, but something to keep in mind, especially when you work with larger or more complex objects and/or where sharing becomes a benefit.

Sharing Tyre instances might look like:

standard_tyre = Tyre(16, 36)

v1 = Vehicle(
    name = "VehicleOne", 
    max_speed = 120, 
    millage = 50_000, 
    tyre = standard_tyre,
v2 = Vehicle(
    name = "VehicleTwo", 
    max_speed = 140, 
    millage = 20_000, 
    tyre = standard_tyre,

Setting tyre later, outside of the constructor

class Vehicle():
    """To model a basic vehicle"""
    def __init__(self, name, max_speed, millage):
        """Initiate class variables"""
        self.name = name
        self.max_speed = max_speed
        self.millage = millage
        self.tyre = None

    def vehicle_details(self):
        """display vehicle details"""
        return f"\nName: {self.name.title()}, Max speed: {self.max_speed}MPH, Millage: {self.millage} "

class Tyre():
    """A class specific for vehicle tyres"""
    def __init__(self, size, pressure):
        self.size = size
        self.pressure = pressure

    def tyre_details(self):
        """Print tyre details."""
        print(f'Tyre size: {self.size} inches.')
        print(f"Tyre pressure {self.pressure} PSI.")

v = Vehicle(
    name = "VehicleName", 
    max_speed = 120, 
    millage = 50_000, 
v.tyre = Tyre(16,36)

Maybe you don't know what the specifics of the Tyre are when you're creating the Vehicle, but you still want a Vehicle instance.

CodePudding user response:

You could set the arguments when creating the instance of the Tyre class. The pre-determined values are only used when no argument is passed in, so if you do self.tyre = Tyre(size goes here, pressure goes here), it won't use the pre-determined values.

CodePudding user response:

  1. I ran the following after your code and it worked fine for me.
veh = Vehicle('Volkswagen', 200, 10)


Tyre size: 16 inches.
Tyre pressure 36 PSI.
  1. Overwriting tyre size and pressure through vehicle instance:
veh.tyre.size = 17
veh.tyre.pressure = 38


Tyre size: 17 inches.
Tyre pressure 38 PSI.

Maybe you are accessing the tyre instance incorrectly.

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