I am trying to build a report on SQL server which will provide a customer's average days of due settlement. here's the sample table from which i want to generate report from
Customer | Date | Debit | Credit |
abc | 2021-04-01 | 10000 | 0 |
abc | 2021-04-08 | 0 | 3000 |
abc | 2021-05-02 | 1000 | 1000 |
abc | 2021-06-09 | 0 | 2000 |
abc | 2021-07-10 | 2000 | 1000 |
abc | 2021-08-11 | 0 | 4000 |
abc | 2021-09-10 | 0 | 3000 |
Here I am trying to generate a report that the customer abc had cleared the due to $10000 which he owed on 2021-04-01 was cleared on 2021-08-11 and which the customer took 132 days to clear and the second due ($1000) owed on 2021-05-02 was cleared on 2021-08-21 which took 101 days and the due of $2000 made on 2021-07-10 was cleared on 2021-09-10 which took 62 days to clear.
so the desired output is
Customer | settlement_days |
abc | 132 |
abc | 101 |
abc | 62 |
I tried to do this with SQL cursors but I was stuck after I got the result 132. Please find the code below
declare @date as date
declare @debit as int
declare @debit1 as int=0
declare @credit as int
declare @credit1 as int=0
declare @balance as int=0
declare @date1 as date
declare @i as int=0
declare @count as int
declare @k as int=0
declare closing scroll cursor for
select convert(date,date),debit,credit from samples
select @count= count(debit) from samples
open closing
fetch next from closing into @date, @debit, @credit ;
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
set @balance=@credit-@debit
set @date1=@date
set @debit1=@debit
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
set @balance=@balance @credit
set @credit1=@credit1 @credit
set @i=@i @debit
if (@k<=@debit1)
set @k=@k @debit
if @balance>0
print (@credit1-@debit1)
print (@k)
fetch next from closing into @date, @debit, @credit;
fetch next from closing into @date, @debit, @credit;
close closing
deallocate closing
I am stuck here about not knowing how to proceed further
CodePudding user response:
Using window function sum() over ()
to find cumulative sum for Total Debit and Total Credit. After that find earliest date where Total Credit >= Total Debit. That's the settlement date
debit as
select *,
-- cumulative sum
sum(Debit) over(partition by Customer order by [Date]) as Dr
from samples s
where Debit > 0
credit as
select *,
-- cumulative sum
sum(Credit) over(partition by Customer order by [Date]) as Cr
from samples s
where Credit > 0
select *, datediff(day, dr.[Date], cr.[Date]) as SettlementDays
from debit dr
cross apply
select top 1 cr.[Date]
from credit cr
where cr.Customer = dr.Customer
and cr.Cr >= dr.Dr
) cr
order by dr.Customer, dr.[Date]